Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#27326 closed defect

texlive-xetex (@17780_0) missing a dependency — at Initial Version

Reported by: mjpost@… Owned by: macports-tickets@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 1.9.2
Keywords: Cc:
Port: texlive-xetex


The latest version of fontspec (included with texlive-xetex) fails to run if packages

texlive-latex3 texlive-latex-extra

are not installed, yet those are not listed as dependencies for texlive-xetex. Fontspec will first complain about a missing "expl3.sty" file (provided with texlive-latex3, and will also complain about a missing "binhex.tex" file (provided with texlive-latex-extra).

I think that these changes have to do with the transition to LaTeX 3.

You can repeat this problem by installing texlive-xetex (@17780_0) and typing

xelatex example.tex

(on the attached file).

Change History (1)

Changed 14 years ago by mjpost@…

Attachment: example.tex added

File that produces the problem (when texlive-latex3 and texlive-latex-extra are not installed)

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