Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #27732

Dec 19, 2010, 6:26:02 PM (14 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Please use WikiFormatting so your posts are legible, and fill in the Port and Cc fields appropriately.

From your log, we see that wine-devel fails to build because it cannot run flex. And as you found, flex cannot run because it has problems using your gettext library. It says there's no matching architecture, so it would be interesting to know what architecture /opt/local/bin/flex and /opt/local/lib/libintl.8.dylib were built for. "lipo -info" can tell you.

The fact that something in /usr/local is found could indicate a problem. Software in /usr/local frequently interferes with software installed by MacPorts, so please remove anything in /usr/local before trying again. Also, if you have any environment variables like DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH set, unset them.


  • Ticket #27732

    • Property Cc mww@… ryandesign@… added
    • Property Priority changed from High to Normal
    • Property Port flex added
    • Property Summary changed from wine-devel and wine fail to build on snow leopard (problem with flex) to flex fails to find libintl.dylib
  • Ticket #27732 – Description

    initial v2  
    12Trolliluola:~ tlax$ sudo port install wine-devel
    23--->  Computing dependencies for wine-devel
    67Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
    78To report a bug, see <>