Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #28218, comment 9

Dec 6, 2012, 4:42:49 PM (12 years ago)
landonf (Landon Fuller)


  • Ticket #28218, comment 9

    initial v1  
    22> UPD: Can you please re-open it?
    4 If there's someone else willing to do the genuinely time consuming and often difficult work, then I'll be happy to reopen the bug. However, I've already invested an enormous amount of my personal time in bringing OpenJDK to Mac OS X to begin with, and am not particularly interested in spending even more of my time on supporting a platform that I don't need, and has been off the market for 7 years now, and nobody else is volunteering.
     4If there's someone else willing to do the genuinely time consuming and difficult work, then I'll be happy to reopen the bug. That hasn't happened yet in 3-4 years, so I'm not holding my breath.
     6I've already invested an enormous amount of my personal time in bringing OpenJDK to Mac OS X to begin with, and am not particularly interested in spending even more of my time supporting a platform that I don't need, and has been off the market for 7 years now.
    68> As I understand, making something more portable does mean making it more portable. Regardless any marketing, Apple CPU changing etc. I contacted OpenJDK team.