Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #34562, comment 5

Nov 6, 2013, 11:45:45 PM (11 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #34562, comment 5

    v1 v2  
    1 I don't know how 41114 is a duplicate, since this ticket is 18 months old, and this issue only just cropped in py27-numpy in the 1.7.1_1 release.  I had the universal variant of 1.7.1_0 installed just fine.  I did recently upgrade Xcode to 5.0.1, and the error in my log seemed to be a clang linking issue.  I wonder if the issue the reporter of 41114 and/or I are seeing is related to a new change in Xcode5 or py27-numpy@1.7.1_1.
     1I don't know how #41114 is a duplicate, since this ticket is 18 months old, and this issue only just cropped in py27-numpy in the 1.7.1_1 release.  I had the universal variant of 1.7.1_0 installed just fine.  I did recently upgrade Xcode to 5.0.1, and the error in my log seemed to be a clang linking issue.  I wonder if the issue the reporter of #41114 and/or I are seeing is related to a new change in Xcode5 or py27-numpy@1.7.1_1.
    33Edit:  I suppose the log errors do look similar though.  But what would keep causing this issue to crop up after not happening for so long?