Changes between Initial Version and Version 8 of Ticket #37619

Jan 13, 2013, 11:54:12 PM (12 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Replying to michaelld@…:

You probably need to set the DISPLAY environment variable; what does it return by default:

env | grep DISPLAY

The OS sets DISPLAY for you. You probably do not need to change it.

Replying to cgcgcg@…:

had to install x11 first trough /Applications/Utilities/
maybe this mac mini was too virgin.
Thanks for your patience!

If desired, you could install X11 using the xorg-server port in MacPorts. Or you can install XQuartz which is presumably what you did. They're both the same software, it's just a matter of what method you want to use to install and update it.


  • Ticket #37619

    • Property Owner changed from macports-tickets@… to michaelld@…
    • Property Status changed from new to closed
    • Property Resolution changed from to fixed
    • Property Port gnuradio added
  • Ticket #37619 – Description

    initial v8  
    11i installed gnuradio on an almost virgin macmini running Mountain Lion through macports with no errors.[[BR]]
    22then i installed [ gqrx_5.dmg] wich is running fine.[[BR]]
    3 then trying gnuradio-companion -->  sh: gnuradio-companion: command not found[[BR]]
    4 find / -name "gnuradio-companion"  did not find something to execute[[BR]]
     3then trying gnuradio-companion -->  {{{sh: gnuradio-companion: command not found}}}[[BR]]
     4{{{find / -name "gnuradio-companion"}}}  did not find something to execute[[BR]]
    6 port install gnuradio @3.6.2_2+grc+python27+qtgui+docs [[BR]]
     7port install gnuradio @3.6.2_2+grc+python27+qtgui+docs
    79maybe im overlooking something, or should there be a script or executable named gnuradio-companion?