Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #37688, comment 6

Jan 18, 2013, 9:31:08 PM (12 years ago)
cjones051073 (Chris Jones)


  • Ticket #37688, comment 6

    v1 v2  
    11Good question. I agree it would be useful to agree on the naming scheme now...
    3 My thinking was this port would stay with the SVN versions (updating as and when) and until the first ROOT6 'stable' release is made. Even then, my feeling is plenty of user will want to stay with ROOT5, so at that point root-devel would switch from SVN revision builds, to stable release builds, but the 'root' port would stay with the ROOT5 release series.
     3My thinking was this port would stay with the SVN versions (updating as and when) and until the first ROOT6 'stable' release is made. Even then, my feeling is plenty of users will want to stay with ROOT5, so at that point root-devel would switch from SVN revision builds, to stable release builds, but the 'root' port would stay with the ROOT5 release series.
    55Then, at some totally undefined point in the future we would move ROOT6 to the stable 'root' port, when it is felt to be ready. At this point a root5 port could be created, for those that wish to stay with it. root-devel would then either stop updating, or move to ROOT7 or whatever...