Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #38091, comment 39

Feb 26, 2015, 3:19:51 AM (10 years ago)


  • Ticket #38091, comment 39

    initial v1  
    55Generally, your explanation in your first paragraph probably belongs in the Guide.  The portfile recipes and perhaps many parts of the wiki could go in the Guide.
    7 Alpine specific, since you are cleaning up some depends_libs, the only depends_lib necessary is openssl, at least on my 10.9 system.  In fact, because the upstream code does not conditionally code around it, the --without-ssl option (and variant) is useless, and probably no one has tried and complained.  The libs iconv and ncurses are already provided by OS X; if not on older systems, they could be conditional, but probably a minor point here.  Alpine builds on my system without gettext, but also probably a minor point.
     7Alpine specific, since you are cleaning up some depends_libs, I think all depends_libs may be removed.  The libs iconv and ncurses are already provided by OS X; if not on older systems, they could be conditional, but probably a minor point here.  Alpine builds on my system without gettext, but also probably a minor point.  The openssl lib for the --without-ssl option (and variant) is tricky.  Building that variant by itself will fail because the upstream code does not conditionally code around all parts.  Adding --without-tcl will succeed.  Probably no one has tried and compained, but if someone wanted the -ssl+tcl variants, that would fail.
    99When or why did the without_tcl variant become obsolete?  Do you mean because MP implicitly has Tcl that the variant is obsolete?  Your comment in the portfile is unclear.