Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #38091, comment 9

Jan 3, 2015, 3:38:23 AM (10 years ago)


  • Ticket #38091, comment 9

    initial v1  
    11Hello!  I would like to see the alpine port updated to 2.11.  I grabbed the sources from Eduardo Chappa’s site, made a patch for the Portfile and updated an existing patch for the alpine sources, and have built it on 10.9.  The patches should be attached.
    3 I looked into and wanted to clean up the patches.  The 2.11 sources seem to need only the patch for INTLLIBS.  The osx-10.6 patch is already in the sources.  I think the configure patch is now handled in the current configure script.  The imap Makefile patch seems redundant since MacPorts already has ${prefix} and uses it in configure.args.  I would appreciate any feedback.
     3I looked into and wanted to clean up the patches.  The 2.11 sources seem to need only the patch for INTLLIBS which I updated.  I also made the patch from the sources’ top-level directory, so patch.pre-args should no longer be needed.  The osx-10.6 patch is already in the sources.  I think the configure patch is now handled in the current configure script.  The imap Makefile patch seems redundant since MacPorts already has ${prefix} and uses it in configure.args.  I would appreciate any feedback.
    55I know the alpine port hasn’t had a maintainer in a while and John recently volunteered.  I would also volunteer as co-maintainer if you don’t mind.  I think the Portfile could be cleaned up a bit more, but for now I tried the minimum for building.