Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Ticket #38299, comment 8

Mar 5, 2013, 11:55:41 PM (12 years ago)


  • Ticket #38299, comment 8

    v3 v4  
    1 Was the default behavior changed?
     1Thank you. Did the default behavior ever change?
    3 The machine has always been x86_64 capable but it seems as if macports only recently started allowing x86_64 architecture to be supported. The "universal archs" line I dont think was there before fairly recently. Maybe my mistake was adding x86_64 when I should have added ppc.
     3The machine has always been x86_64 capable but it seems as if macports only recently started allowing x86_64 architecture to be supported. Or more likely I didn't notice the "universal archs" line before fairly recently. Maybe my mistake was adding x86_64 when I should have added ppc. Its confusing but then again, considering that Apple switched architectures what can one expect, in that context, I guess confusion is understandable.
    5 At some point I noticed that x86_64 ports started showing up, I had thought that Leopard was not capable of building for x86_64. For now, i would be happy to just have it work. However, I have no use (on this machine) for ppc binaries.
     5At some point I noticed that x86_64 ports started showing up, I had thought that Leopard was not capable of building for x86_64. For now, i would be happy to just have it work. However, I have no use (on this machine) for ppc "universal".