Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #38422, comment 6

Apr 6, 2013, 7:45:07 PM (11 years ago)
neverpanic (Clemens Lang)


  • Ticket #38422, comment 6

    v1 v2  
    1 It only attempts to use `llvm-gcc-4.2`, because you manually blacklist clang, which causes MacPorts to use `llvm-gcc-4.2`. LLVM GCC, however, can not be used to build textmate2, and its build system tries to be smart by looking for a different compiler, that might work. I don't see a reason to stop it from doing so, though, because the Portfile currently does not blacklist clang and all supported platforms use clang as their default compiler.
     1It only attempts to use `llvm-gcc-4.2`, because you manually blacklist clang, which causes MacPorts to use `llvm-gcc-4.2`. LLVM GCC, however, can not be used to build textmate2, and its build system tries to be smart by looking for a different compiler that might work. I don't see a reason to stop it from doing so, though, because the Portfile currently does not blacklist clang and all supported platforms use clang as their default compiler.
    33We're not in a habit of blacklisting compilers that aren't being used anyway – we're not blacklisting gcc-3 on most ports, although it is in the fallback list on some systems and it will probably not compile most software in macports. This brings me back to topic: I can't test with the compiler you're trying to use, so feel free to commit a patch that will blacklist it (and then ensure a proper fallback is chosen, probably by also blacklisting llvm-gcc-4.2 and every other compiler that comes in the fallback list before a suitable clang, or just modify the fallback list to contain the host clang and a recent enough macports clang).