Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #38501

Mar 23, 2013, 2:59:41 AM (12 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Please use WikiFormatting when writing in Trac. As reporter, you do not need to Cc yourself, but you should Cc the maintainers of the port in question, and you should put its name in the Port field. This is all mentioned in our ticket filing guidelines.

In this case the port that failed is cmake. Above you were shown the location of the cmake main.log file which might have more details about why it failed; you should attach that file to this ticket. But it might just be this error which was displayed:

Error: cmake cannot be installed for the configured universal_archs 'i386 ppc' because it only supports the arch(s) 'i386 x86_64'.

This suggests to me that you are on a 64-bit capable Mac running Snow Leopard or later, but for some reason in your macports.conf you have universal_archs set to i386 ppc. If that's correct, then please edit macports.conf and set universal_archs to i386 x86_64. The only reason this should be wrong is if you deliberately changed it, or you upgraded or migrated from Leopard or older to Snow Leopard or later and did not follow the migration instructions; if the latter, please follow them now.

Your transcript above also shows you trying to accept the Xcode license agreement, and this failing. The fact that this failed suggests perhaps you have an old version of Xcode installed and should update. Your transcript does not say what version of OS X you have but if you have 10.7 Lion or 10.8 Mountain Lion please update to Xcode 4.6.1 from the Mac App Store or Apple Developer Connection. Then open Xcode app, go to Preferences, to Downloads, and install or update the command line tools. Then try again to accept the Xcode license agreement as you did before. Do it twice: once with sudo, once without. If on 10.6 Snow Leopard, use at least Xcode 3.2.6. In this case, there is no separate command line tools download or license agreement acceptance to do.

The transcript also shows you adding "+universal" to variants.conf if your machine is 64-bit. I recall this step being mentioned in one of the tutorials out there about how to install wine, but this step has not been needed for several years now and you should not do it (unless you want for other reasons to always build universal software).

Your transcript also shows you using the "install" command and receiving an error message. This is normal. To install a port, you would run "sudo port install ...", not just "install ...".


  • Ticket #38501

    • Property Cc ryandesign@… css@… added
    • Property Summary changed from I am trying to install wine on mac and this is what I keep getting. Any suggestions? to cmake build fails
    • Property Port cmake added
  • Ticket #38501 – Description

    initial v2  
    12echo export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:\$PATH$'\n'export MANPATH=/opt/local/man:\$MANPATH | sudo tee -a /etc/profile
    23export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH
    5455       install -d [-v] [-g group] [-m mode] [-o owner] directory ...
    5556Macintosh-3:~ jonbraden$