Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#39501 closed defect

mariadb, percona: descriptions are identical to mysql ports' — at Initial Version

Reported by: ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt) Owned by: pixilla (Bradley Giesbrecht)
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 2.1.3
Keywords: Cc: zquestz (Josh Ellithorpe)
Port: mariadb, percona


The descriptions of all the MySQL ports are identical:

$ port info --name --long_description mysql4 mysql5{,1,5,6} mariadb percona
long_description: MySQL is an open-source, multi-threaded SQL database with a command syntax very similar to mSQL.
name: mysql4
long_description: MySQL is an open-source, multi-threaded SQL database with a command syntax very similar to mSQL.
name: mysql5
long_description: MySQL is an open-source, multi-threaded SQL database with a command syntax very similar to mSQL.
name: mysql51
long_description: MySQL is an open-source, multi-threaded SQL database with a command syntax very similar to mSQL.
name: mysql55
long_description: MySQL is an open-source, multi-threaded SQL database with a command syntax very similar to mSQL.
name: mysql56
long_description: MySQL is an open-source, multi-threaded SQL database with a command syntax very similar to mSQL.
name: mariadb
long_description: MySQL is an open-source, multi-threaded SQL database with a command syntax very similar to mSQL.
name: percona

That's not awful, except that I expected the description of mariadb to say "MariaDB is..." and for percona to say "Percona is...", and perhaps have a mention of being forks of MySQL.

In all these ports, the mention of mSQL is perhaps archaic. By now, nobody's confused about what MySQL is.

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