Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #41466, comment 2

Nov 20, 2013, 7:45:56 PM (11 years ago)
cooljeanius (Eric Gallager)


  • Ticket #41466, comment 2

    v1 v2  
    33= Haskell stuff: =
    44||= Dependency =||= Status in MacPorts =||
    5 || [ The Haskell Platform] (GHC 7.4 or newer) || Our ghc port is at version 7.6.3 ||
    6 || [ mtl] (2.1.1 or newer) || Our hs-mtl port is at version 2.1.2 ||
    7 || [ MissingH] || we have a missingh port ||
    8 || [ utf8-string] || we have a port for hs-utf8-string ||
    9 || [ SHA] || we have a port for hs-sha ||
    10 || [ cryptohash] (optional but recommended) || we have ports for hs-crypto and hs-crypto-api, but '''no''' hs-cryptohash port ||
    11 || [ dataenc] || we have port for hs-dataenc ||
    12 || [ monad-control] || we have a port for hs-monads-fd, but '''no''' hs-monad-control port ||
    13 || [ QuickCheck 2] || we have a port for hs-quickcheck, which is at version 2.6... ||
    14 || [ json] || we have a port for hs-json ||
     5|| [ The Haskell Platform] (GHC 7.4 or newer) || Our [browser:trunk/dports/lang/ghc/Portfile ghc port] is at version 7.6.3 ||
     6|| [ mtl] (2.1.1 or newer) || Our [browser:trunk/dports/devel/haskell-platform/Portfile#L291 hs-mtl port] (a subport of the haskell-platform) is at version 2.1.2 ||
     7|| [ MissingH] || we have a [browser:trunk/dports/devel/missingh/Portfile missingh port] ||
     8|| [ utf8-string] || we have a port for [browser:trunk/dports/devel/hs-utf8-string/Portfile hs-utf8-string] ||
     9|| [ SHA] || we have a port for [browser:trunk/dports/devel/hs-sha-string/Portfile hs-sha] ||
     10|| [ cryptohash] (optional but recommended) || we have ports for [browser:trunk/dports/devel/hs-crypto/Portfile hs-crypto] and [browser:trunk/dports/devel/hs-crypto-api/Portfile hs-crypto-api], but '''no''' hs-cryptohash port ||
     11|| [ dataenc] || we have port for [browser:trunk/dports/devel/hs-dataenc/Portfile hs-dataenc] ||
     12|| [ monad-control] || we have a port for [browser:trunk/dports/devel/hs-monads-fd/Portfile hs-monads-fd] (which is obsolete), but '''no''' hs-monad-control port ||
     13|| [ QuickCheck 2] || we have a port for [browser:trunk/dports/devel/haskell-platform/Portfile#L370 hs-quickcheck] (a subport of the haskell-platform), which is at version 2.6... ||
     14|| [ json] || we have a port for [browser:trunk/dports/devel/hs-json/Portfile hs-json] ||
    1515|| [ aeson] || nothing close to it ||
    1616|| [ IfElse] || nothing close ||
    17 || [ dlist] || we have a port for hs-dlist ||
     17|| [ dlist] || we have a port for [browser:trunk/dports/devel/hs-dlist/Portfile hs-dlist] ||
    1818|| [ bloomfilter] || nothing close ||
    1919|| [ edit-distance] || nothing close ||
    2121|| [ DAV] (optional) || nothing close ||
    2222|| [ SafeSemaphore] || nothing close ||
    23 || [ UUID] || we have a port for ossp-uuid, but '''not''' for the haskell bindings to it... ||
    24 || [ regex-tdfa] || we have a port for hs-regex-tdfa ||
    25 || [ extensible-exceptions] || we have a port for hs-extensible-exceptions ||
     23|| [ UUID] || we have a port for [browser:trunk/dports/devel/ossp-uuid/Portfile ossp-uuid], but '''not''' for the haskell bindings to it... ||
     24|| [ regex-tdfa] || we have a port for [browser:trunk/dports/devel/hs-regex-tdfa/Portfile hs-regex-tdfa] ||
     25|| [ extensible-exceptions] || we have a port for [browser:trunk/dports/devel/hs-extensible-exceptions/Portfile hs-extensible-exceptions] ||
    2626|| [ feed] || nothing close ||
    27 || [ async] || we have a port for hs-async ||
     27|| [ async] || we have a port for [browser:trunk/dports/devel/haskell-platform/Portfile#L131 hs-async] (which is a subport of the haskell-platform) ||
    2828= Optional haskell stuff, used by the assistant and its webapp =
    2929||= Dependency =||= Status in MacPorts =||