Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Ticket #41466, comment 2

Nov 20, 2013, 8:03:57 PM (11 years ago)
cooljeanius (Eric Gallager)


  • Ticket #41466, comment 2

    v2 v3  
    5353|| MonadCatchIO-transformers || nothing close ||
    5454= Shell commands =
    55 || `git` || `git` comes with Xcode as of Xcode 4; we also have a port for `git` called "git-core" ||
    56 || `xargs` || part of OS X; MacPorts provides a `gxargs` as part of its `findutils` port, which has a symlink to its un-g-prefixed name in `/opt/local/libexec/gnubin` ||
    57 || `rsync` || part of OS X; MacPorts also has a port for `rsync` ||
    58 || `curl` (optional, but recommended) || part of OS X; MacPorts also has a port for `curl` ||
    59 || `wget` (optional) || Removed from OS X as of 10.1 Puma; MacPorts has a port for `wget` ||
    60 || `sha1sum` (optional, but recommended; a sha1 command will also do) || MacPorts's `sha1sum` command is provided by the `md5sha1sum` port. ||
    61 || `gpg` (optional; needed for encryption) || MacPorts has a `gnupg` port ||
    62 || `lsof` (optional; recommended for watch mode) || part of OS X; MacPorts does '''not''' provide its own version ||
    63 || `gcrypt` (optional) || MacPorts has a `libgcrypt` port and perl bindings to it ||
    64 || multicast DNS support, provided on linux by nss-mdns (optional; recommended for the assistant to support pairing well) || OS X has bonjour built-in for multicast dns support. I forked [ nss-mdns] with the intention of bringing it to MacPorts, but failed to get it to build for OS X, and as such, I have not been able to write a Portfile for it yet... MacPorts does have a port for `mdnsd`, though, which is another software package that provides multicast DNS support. ||
    65 || `ikiwiki` (optional; used to build the docs) || we have a port for `ikiwiki` ||
     55|| [ git] || `git` comes with Xcode as of Xcode 4; we also have a port for `git` called "git-core" ||
     56|| [ xargs] || part of OS X; MacPorts provides a `gxargs` as part of its `findutils` port, which has a symlink to its un-g-prefixed name in `/opt/local/libexec/gnubin` ||
     57|| [ rsync] || part of OS X; MacPorts also has a port for `rsync` ||
     58|| [http://http// curl] (optional, but recommended) || part of OS X; MacPorts also has a port for `curl` ||
     59|| [ wget] (optional) || Removed from OS X as of 10.1 Puma; MacPorts has a port for `wget` ||
     60|| [ sha1sum] (optional, but recommended; a sha1 command will also do) || MacPorts's `sha1sum` command is provided by the `md5sha1sum` port. ||
     61|| [ gpg] (optional; needed for encryption) || MacPorts has a `gnupg` port ||
     62|| [ lsof] (optional; recommended for watch mode) || part of OS X; MacPorts does '''not''' provide its own version ||
     63|| [ gcrypt] (optional) || MacPorts has a `libgcrypt` port and perl bindings to it... it is not the exact thing linked to here, though... ||
     64|| multicast DNS support, provided on linux by [ nss-mdns] (optional; recommended for the assistant to support pairing well) || OS X has bonjour built-in for multicast dns support. I forked [ nss-mdns] with the intention of bringing it to MacPorts, but failed to get it to build for OS X, and as such, I have not been able to write a Portfile for it yet... MacPorts does have a port for `mdnsd`, though, which is another software package that provides multicast DNS support. ||
     65|| [ ikiwiki] (optional; used to build the docs) || we have a port for `ikiwiki` ||
    6767I suppose we could just have MacPorts download the pre-built app bundle (if adding ports for all of these haskell dependencies is too much of an issue):