Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #42038, comment 1

Jan 6, 2014, 11:48:33 PM (11 years ago)
lockhart (Thomas Lockhart)


  • Ticket #42038, comment 1

    initial v1  
    11Hmm. The MacPorts docs seem to imply that "delete filename" is about the same as the TCL "file delete -force" command. But the TCL docs say that "file delete filename" on a non-existent file is not considered an error.
    2 I see that some Portfiles use "delete filename", others use "file delete filename", and some using "delete filename" guard that line with a check for file existence. Whether the docs are right or not, it seems that running "delete filename" does produce an error, and that this line should be guarded. Or should I rely on the TCL documented behavior of "file delete to do this without needing a guard?
     2I see that some Portfiles use "delete filename", others use "file delete filename", and some using "delete filename" guard that line with a check for file existence. Whether the docs are right or not, it seems that running "delete filename" does produce an error, and that this line should be guarded. Or should I rely on the TCL documented behavior of "file delete filename" to do this without needing a guard?