Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #42256, comment 6

Feb 4, 2014, 1:12:01 PM (11 years ago)
dbevans (David B. Evans)


  • Ticket #42256, comment 6

    initial v1  
    1010> * I've seen telepathy-glib has a vala variant, which is enabled by default. I guess that grilo and telepathy-glib are not that different, so taking your advice as well I'll keep the vala variant and make it default.
    12 I'm embarrassed by this.  Originally the telepathy-glib port provided the vala bindings as an 'experimental' option, hence the variant (not default).  Later when other dependencies needed the vala support, I (lazily) just made it a default variant.  I'll probably remove the variant at thenext version update. Thanks for reminding me.
     12I'm embarrassed by this.  Originally the telepathy-glib port provided the vala bindings as an 'experimental' option, hence the variant (not default).  Later when other dependencies needed the vala support, I (lazily) just made it a default variant.  I'll probably remove the variant at the next version update. Thanks for reminding me.
    1414> * I didn't notice. I've patched to remove setting of libdir (I tried also remove setting of prefix and exec_prefix, since I guess they should be set to acceptable values). Apparently these variables let the grilo lib know where are plugins to load. I tried to launch the example program grilo-simple-playlist, and it failed because it couldn't find any grilo plugins. This is weird, so I'll try to install grilo-plugins and see if it works. Meanwhile grilo now installs libraries under ${prefix}/lib.