Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #42877

Mar 16, 2014, 6:41:36 PM (11 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

The ncursesw and render ports were deleted many years ago. render was renamed to xorg-renderproto, and the functionality of the ncursesw port was merged into the ncurses port. You can simply uninstall the ncurses and render ports; they are no longer needed.

When ports get renamed or merged into other ports, we make an upgrade path available so that "sudo port upgrade outdated" will do the right thing, but we only leave that in place for one year or so, and then delete the old port. In the case of ncursesw, its functionality was rolled into ncurses in r76622 (3 years ago) and the upgrade path was deleted in r91972 (2 years ago). render was renamed to xorg-renderproto in r41785 (over 5 years ago), and the upgrade path was deleted in r44924 (5 years ago).

Note that "sudo port upgrade installed" is not the command you should usually run. Usually, you should run "sudo port upgrade outdated"; doing so would avoid the warning messages you saw.


  • Ticket #42877

    • Property Status changed from new to closed
    • Property Cc jmr@… jeremyhu@… ryandesign@… added
    • Property Keywords ncursesw render removed
    • Property Resolution changed from to wontfix
    • Property Port ncursesw render added; ettercap removed
  • Ticket #42877 – Description

    initial v2  
    11Probably shouldn't be getting these complaints:
    3 $ sudo port upgrade installed[[BR]]
    4 --->  ettercap-ng is replaced by ettercap[[BR]]
    5 --->  Computing dependencies for ettercap[[BR]]
    6 --->  Cleaning ettercap[[BR]]
    7 Warning: No port ncursesw found in the index.[[BR]]
    8 Warning: No port render found in the index.[[BR]]
    9 --->  Scanning binaries for linking errors: 100.0%[[BR]]
    10 --->  No broken files found.[[BR]]
    11 [[BR]]
    12 It would seem those two are not, (or are no longer), dependencies:[[BR]]
    13 [[BR]]
    14 $ port deps ettercap[[BR]]
    15 Full Name: ettercap @0.8.0_0+gtk+plugins[[BR]]
    16 Build Dependencies:   cmake, pkgconfig[[BR]]
    17 Library Dependencies: openssl, libpcap, libnet11, ncurses, pcre, zlib, gtk2, curl, libtool[[BR]]
    18  [[BR]]
     4$ sudo port upgrade installed
     5--->  ettercap-ng is replaced by ettercap
     6--->  Computing dependencies for ettercap
     7--->  Cleaning ettercap
     8Warning: No port ncursesw found in the index.
     9Warning: No port render found in the index.
     10--->  Scanning binaries for linking errors: 100.0%
     11--->  No broken files found.
     14It would seem those two are not, (or are no longer), dependencies:
     17$ port deps ettercap
     18Full Name: ettercap @0.8.0_0+gtk+plugins
     19Build Dependencies:   cmake, pkgconfig
     20Library Dependencies: openssl, libpcap, libnet11, ncurses, pcre, zlib, gtk2, curl, libtool
    2024OS 10.6.8[[BR]]