Opened 11 years ago
Last modified 2 months ago
#43431 new enhancement
Ports with a mysql5 variants and/or dependencies should switch to using mysql56 or possibly mariadb. — at Version 14
Reported by: | pixilla (Bradley Giesbrecht) | Owned by: | macports-tickets@… |
Priority: | Normal | Milestone: | |
Component: | ports | Version: | |
Keywords: | Cc: | aeh@…, blair@…, brian@…, c_dantonio@…, compconsultant@…, davidnichols@…, devans@…, dluke@…, dweber@…, g.lorenz@…, hum@…, jberry@…, jeff@…, jmr@…, jwa@…, kayos@…, landonf@…, markd@…, mbclark@…, michaelld@…, mta@…, mww@…, nicos@…, roberto@…, rwilcox@…, ryandesign@…, seanasy@…, yattenator@…, ctreleaven@…, egall@…, mk@… | |
Port: | amarok-devel apr-util bugzilla dovecot dovecot2 drupal5 drupal6 dspam exim flow-tools freeradius hydra libdbi-drivers libgda libgda4 libgda5 lighttpd lighttpd-devel mediatomb mnogosearch mysql-connector-odbc mysql5 mysql55-connector-cpp mysql55-lib_mysqludf_json mysqlxx nagios-plugins neko ocaml-mysql p5-dbd-mysql pennmush php php4 php5-mysql php52 proftpd py-oursql qore-mysql-module qt3-mac qt4-mac-mysql55-plugin radlib rb-mysql rb19-mysql redland restund snort soci sphinx vpopmail vtk-devel zabbix zabbix2 |
Description (last modified by pixilla (Bradley Giesbrecht))
The following ports have variants and/or dependencies on mysql5:
aqua/qt3-mac aqua/qt4-mac-mysql55-plugin databases/libdbi-drivers databases/libgda4 databases/libgda5 databases/mysql-connector-odbc databases/mysql5 databases/mysql55-connector-cpp databases/mysql55-lib_mysqludf_json databases/mysqlxx databases/ocaml-mysql databases/soci devel/apr-util devel/bugzilla devel/pficommon devel/radlib games/pennmush gis/gdal gis/grass gnome/libgda graphics/vtk-devel kde/amarok-devel lang/neko lang/php lang/php4 lang/php52 lang/qore-mysql-module mail/dbmail mail/dovecot mail/dovecot2 mail/dspam mail/exim mail/postfix mail/postfix-devel mail/vpopmail net/flow-tools net/mediatomb net/nagios-plugins net/proftpd net/pure-ftpd net/restund net/snort net/zabbix net/zabbix2 perl/p5-dbd-mysql perl/p5-dbd-mysql5 php/php5-mysql python/py-oursql ruby/rb-mysql ruby/rb19-mysql security/hydra sysutils/freeradius textproc/sphinx www/drupal5 www/drupal6 www/lighttpd www/lighttpd-devel www/mnogosearch www/redland www/wikkawiki
Ports where mysql5 has been removed:
databases/dbslayer databases/libzdb-mysql55 devel/akonadi python/py-mysql
Change History (14)
comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by pixilla (Bradley Giesbrecht)
Description: | modified (diff) |
comment:2 follow-ups: 3 4 Changed 11 years ago by danielluke (Daniel J. Luke)
comment:3 follow-up: 5 Changed 11 years ago by pixilla (Bradley Giesbrecht)
Replying to dluke@…:
apr-util has other mysql variants - are we removing mysql5 variants now? Is there a standard way we're deprecating them?
One goal should be to have mysql5 replaced_by mysql51 so for ports that cannot use a more modern mysql they would have their dependencies changed from mysql5 to mysql51.
That said, mysql51 is the same version (5.1.72) as mysql5 and pretty ancient. I believe we should settle on a MacPorts "default" mysql port and encourage subports and/or variants when other mysql versions are desired. I appears to me that many distros are choosing mariadb as their default. If we choose mariadb as our default perhaps we should rename mariadb to mariadb55 before we modify all these mysql5 dependent ports. I would am fine with and might prefer mariadb (the founder of mysql is behind mariadb) as the "default" MacPorts mysql port.
A standard way for variants might be:
# Removing mysql5 variant # variant mysql5 {} variant mysql51 {...} variant mysql55 {...} variant mysql56 {...} variant mariadb55 {...} variant percona56 {...} if {[variant_isset mysql5]} { default_variants.append mariadb55 }
comment:4 Changed 11 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)
Replying to dluke@…:
apr-util has other mysql variants - are we removing mysql5 variants now? Is there a standard way we're deprecating them?
- mysql56 variants should be added where missing.
- mariadb and percona ports and variants should be renamed to be versioned.
- mysql5 variants should be auto-upgraded to mysql51 variants ("
variant mysql5 requires mysql51 description {Legacy compatibility variant} {}
"), this way users using mysql5 databases only need to move their database to a different directory to be able to continue using mysql51 (or, if just checking if the variant is set, without defining the variant, correctly upgrades users in that manner, then that's fine) - mysql56 (or mariadb (or mariadb55 if we rename it)) should be the default variant (which would apply for new installations, not upgrades)
- Alternately we could auto-upgrade mysql5 to mysql56 or mariadb (or mariadb55 if we rename it), but then the user might have to do additional steps other than just moving the files (e.g. running upgrade scripts). The whole reason why we have versioned MySQL (and PostgreSQL and BerkeleyDB) ports is so that users can decide when to upgrade to newer versions that require such extra steps.
comment:5 Changed 11 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)
Replying to pixilla@…:
I appears to me that many distros are choosing mariadb as their default.
MariaDB (whatever the variant for the latest version thereof is called) would be my first choice for default.
comment:9 Changed 11 years ago by NicosPavlov
Description: | modified (diff) |
comment:14 Changed 11 years ago by pixilla (Bradley Giesbrecht)
Description: | modified (diff) |
apr-util has other mysql variants - are we removing mysql5 variants now? Is there a standard way we're deprecating them?