Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #44313, comment 5

Jan 16, 2015, 3:37:47 AM (10 years ago)


  • Ticket #44313, comment 5

    initial v1  
    66> Using it in place of openssl is more involved. If libressl is indeed designed to be a drop-in replacement for openssl, and uses the same library version number, then all ports that depend on openssl could be modified from port:-style dependencies to path:-style dependencies.
    8 Could someone enlighten me as to what path:-style dependencies mean?  I do wonder how the MacPorts devs feel about fitting in libressl, such as with port:-style dependencies.  I read of a gentoo dev who made a virtual port which depended on libressl to avoid any disruptions; though that seems to me like a short term solution.
     8~~Could someone enlighten me as to what path:-style dependencies mean?~~ (''Silly me, I found the Guide section on dependencies.'')  I do wonder how the MacPorts devs feel about fitting in libressl, ~~such as with port:-style dependencies.~~  I read of a gentoo dev who made a virtual port which depended on libressl to avoid any disruptions; though that seems to me like a short term solution.
    1010> If they are not library version compatible, however, then any port that uses openssl and could optionally use libressl would have to have variants added, and openssl and libressl would have to make sure that they don't try to install files to the same locations.