Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #44816, comment 6

Feb 11, 2015, 12:02:33 PM (10 years ago)


  • Ticket #44816, comment 6

    initial v1  
    55Also, this update finally adds the python bindings as a subport. The unified python PortGroup did not work in that context as I expected. I tried to resemble its behaviour as closely as possible, though. The port will now run the test case that comes with the source distribution.
    7 Another option to install the python bindings would be to provide a separate Portfile, as jul_bsd has proposed. This clearly would ease the task of creating the Portfile, because the python PortGroup and all its magic would be available. On the other hand, this would require maintenance of two Portfiles, that both source the same distfile. As I am still learning how to handle Portfiles and don't have commit privileges, maintaing a single file seems the easier and more stable approach to me. Thus no desync'ed versions of library and bindings can exist in the port repository.
     7Another option to install the python bindings would be to provide a separate Portfile, as jul_bsd has proposed. This clearly would ease the task of creating the Portfile, because the python PortGroup and all its magic would be available. On the other hand, this would require maintenance of two Portfiles, that both rely on the same source tarball. As I am still learning how to handle Portfiles and don't have commit privileges, maintaing a single file seems the easier and more stable approach to me. Thus no desync'ed versions of library and bindings can exist in the port repository.
    9 I'm attaching the diff and for clarity also the complete Portfile.
     9I'm attaching the diff and, for the sake of clarity, also the complete Portfile.