Changes between Initial Version and Version 9 of Ticket #45739

Nov 12, 2015, 6:58:15 AM (9 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Is the version correct? This port build svn revision 2744 of the upstream project, which was committed on 2014-10-22, but the version in the portfile says 20101217.

Is autoconf really a library dependency? Usually autoconf is only used at build time.

There's a comment in the portfile that reads "Keep the CSL version of Reduce and PSL in sync." I'm not sure what's meant by this—what specific action one is supposed to take—since, as far as I can see, there is to be only this one single reduce portfile, and it only has a single version line and a single svn.revision line.


  • Ticket #45739

    • Property Status changed from new to assigned
    • Property Cc petr@… mf2k@… added
    • Property Summary changed from submission: reduce: new port submission to submission: reduce
    • Property Owner changed from macports-tickets@… to ryandesign@…
    • Property Version changed from 2.3.2 to
    • Property Keywords maintainer removed
    • Property Port reduce-algebra removed
  • Ticket #45739 – Description

    initial v9  
    11A new metaport has been created for reduce, a computer algebra system (CAS). It comprises the following sub-ports:
    3 reduce-common: Installs the files that are independent of the Lisp system used.
    4 reduce-csl: Installs the Codemist Standard Lisp version of REDUCE.
    5 reduce-psl: Installs the Portable Standard Lisp version of REDUCE.
    6 reduce-addons: Useful addons for the REDUCE Computer Algebra System.
     3- reduce-common: Installs the files that are independent of the Lisp system used.
     4- reduce-csl: Installs the Codemist Standard Lisp version of REDUCE.
     5- reduce-psl: Installs the Portable Standard Lisp version of REDUCE.
     6- reduce-addons: Useful addons for the REDUCE Computer Algebra System.
    88Issuing 'port install reduce' will install all four sub-ports. Otherwise, the user may install each sub-port as desired.