Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #45910, comment 19

Mar 4, 2015, 11:08:49 PM (10 years ago)


  • Ticket #45910, comment 19

    v1 v2  
    11Actually, I just tested it with a magic mouse and trackpad on internal and external monitors, and I can confirm that the issue does NOT go away for any combination. In fact, I believe I found the real issue. The issue persists with the magic mouse, but it is far less pronounced. I noticed it only seems to happen at the beginning or end of scrolls when placing or removing my finger from the magic mouse. Then I noticed that if I am very careful to scroll as vertically as possible, the issue goes away or happens very infrequently. Next I tried scrolling very carefully with the trackpad trying to keep it as vertical as possible, and the issue is still bad but less pronounced than normal. Finally, I tried scrolling with both the trackpad and magic mouse with some horizontal component to my scroll direction. The issue becomes very pronounced.
    3 So, I believe the issue is that the rendering pipeline somehow gets confused when the input device attempts to scroll in a direction with some horizontal component, and it apparently has issues with constantly detecting a horizontal component from the trackpad. This only seems to be the case when directly scrolling with hardware -- i.e. click+drag with the mouse is unaffected. So it makes sense that the issue would go away when using a mouse that only scrolls vertically. Please try for yourself if you are able to reproduce the issue.
     3So, I believe the issue is that the rendering pipeline somehow gets confused when the input device attempts to scroll in a direction with some horizontal component, and it apparently has issues with constantly detecting a horizontal component from the trackpad. This only seems to be the case when directly scrolling with hardware -- i.e. click+drag with mouse or trackpad is unaffected. So it makes sense that the issue would go away when using a mouse that only scrolls vertically. Please try for yourself if you are able to reproduce the issue.
    55By the way, while I'm here I might as well ask if anyone else has issues with the "reload on file change" feature constantly trying to reload the document and causing lag, in 2.3.3 on Yosemite? I'll make a new ticket if it's not already been discussed elsewhere.