Opened 10 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#46005 closed update (fixed)

p5-*: add support for perl5.18 and perl5.20

Reported by: mojca (Mojca Miklavec) Owned by: macports-tickets@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version:
Keywords: Cc: fracai, blair.christensen@…, blair@…, blair (Blair Zajac), borys@…, neverpanic (Clemens Lang), cbellot@…, chris@…, clot@…, compconsultant@…, cowboyneal@…, db_macports@…, dev@…, dbevans (David B. Evans), dikshie@…, danielluke (Daniel J. Luke), ecronin (Eric Cronin), ejshamow@…, face@…, humem (humem), james.toth@…, jason@…, jon.hermansen@…, jpo@…, jul_bsd@…, kayos@…, liampg72@…, macports@…, macports@…, macportscf@…, mat@…, mklein-de (Michael Klein), michael@…, mni@…, nottwo (Trannie Carter), ooburai@…, pelopor@…, pengyu.ut@…, pixilla (Bradley Giesbrecht), ron@…, rpz@…, rsky0711@…, ryan@…, takanori@…, tonym@…, outis, cooljeanius (Eric Gallager), mmpestorich (Mike M Pestorich)


There are still over 300 ports lacking support for perl5.18 and perl5.20, so I'm not listing them all, but I would like to encourage port maintainers to add support to their ports and do some testing for compatibility with the latest perl, and maybe do other kinds of updates to their perl ports.

Of course one can also close the ticket by automatically adding support for 5.18 and 5.20 to all remaining ports. It would be nice to update ports to the latest version before adding support for 5.18 and 5.20 to save some resources.

Change History (15)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by mojca (Mojca Miklavec)

The list of ports still lacking support for Perl 5.20:

port echo subport:p5.16 and not subport:p5.20

Other counting commands:

port echo subport:p5.16 and not subport:p5.20 and maintainer:nomaintainer   | wc -l
port echo subport:p5.16 and not subport:p5.20 and maintainer:openmaintainer | wc -l
port echo subport:p5.16 and not subport:p5.20 and not maintainer:maintainer | wc -l

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by dbevans (David B. Evans)

Progress: current count of ports left without 5.18 5.20 support is 190 due largely to the efforts of mojca in the past few weeks. Good work and thanks!

comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by mojca (Mojca Miklavec)

Here's an intermediate report about nomaintainer ports.

These ports are 32-bit only (so a bit more difficult to test, see #46411, #46461):

  • p5-javascript-spidermonkey (r132540, #46758)
  • p5-mac-appleevents-simple (r131409)

There were some issues with these ports:


Feel free to work on any of these.

Once we are done, we should create another ticket similar to #44405.

As far as openmaintainer and maintained ports are concerned: we would like to do three things (in more or less that order):

  • do some clean-up:
    • add modeline
    • replace tabs with spaces, possibly align to 20 spaces
    • replace md5 with rmd160 and sha256
    • check dependencies
    • run port -v -t test [portname]
  • update to the latest version
  • add support for 5.18 and 5.20

I would like to ask all maintainers to look into their ports and fix them.

If any ports should not be updated, if support for 5.18/5.20 is not desired for some reason, or if you don't want to see any whitespace changes to be applied, please reply in this thread, else other maintainers should be free to proceed working with the remaining perl modules, calling maintainer timeout.

(If anyone has time to create a list of ports that are either outdated or lacking support for 5.18/5.20, sorted by maintainer, that would be nice. Or rather a command/script to create such a list ...)

Last edited 9 years ago by mojca (Mojca Miklavec) (previous) (diff)

comment:4 Changed 10 years ago by mojca (Mojca Miklavec)

Here's the list of remaining ports (= missing support for 5.20), sorted by maintainers:


p5-test-unit               blair
p5-thrift                  blair                  0.8.0    -> 0.9.2
p5-shell-parser            blair.christensen...
p5-net-twitter-lite        blair.christensen...   0.10002  -> 0.12006
p5-eperl                   cal
p5-freezethaw              dluke...
p5-perlio-eol              dluke...
p5-perlio-gzip             dluke...
p5-perlio-via-bzip2        dluke...
p5-perlio-via-symlink      dluke...
p5-io-digest               dluke...               0.10     -> 0.11
p5-io-pager                dluke...               0.06     -> 0.31
p5-local-lib               dluke...               1.008009 -> 2.000015
p5-locale-maketext-lexicon dluke...               0.86     -> 1.00
p5-perlio-via-dynamic      dluke...               0.13     -> 0.14
p5-mecab                   hum, rsky0711...
p5-termextract             hum
p5-set-scalar              jpo...                 1.26     -> 1.29
p5-io-interface            jpo...                 1.06     -> 1.09
p5-getopt-simple           michael.klein...
p5-nkf                     pelopor..., takanori
p5-test-mock-lwp           pengyu.ut...           0.06     -> 0.08
p5-net-senderbase          pixilla
p5-text-chasen             takanori
p5-text-kakasi             takanori
p5-net-bonjour             ww.galen...


p5-module-starter                      blair...      1.50 -> 1.62
p5-convert-uulib                       borys...      1.34 -> 1.4
p5-gmail-imapd                         cbellot...
p5-mail-webmail-gmail                  cbellot...
p5-net-growl                           cbellot...
p5-io-multiplex                        cbellot...    1.10 -> 1.13
p5-time-period                         chris...      1.20 -> 1.25
p5-net-cups                            clot...
p5-mail-rfc822-address                 dikshie...
p5-html-wikiconverter                  ejshamow...
p5-html-wikiconverter-confluence       ejshamow...
p5-html-wikiconverter-dokuwiki         ejshamow...
p5-html-wikiconverter-googlecode       ejshamow...
p5-html-wikiconverter-kwiki            ejshamow...
p5-html-wikiconverter-mediawiki        ejshamow...
p5-html-wikiconverter-moinmoin         ejshamow...
p5-html-wikiconverter-multimarkdown    ejshamow...
p5-html-wikiconverter-oddmuse          ejshamow...
p5-html-wikiconverter-pbwiki           ejshamow...
p5-html-wikiconverter-phpwiki          ejshamow...
p5-html-wikiconverter-pmwiki           ejshamow...
p5-html-wikiconverter-snipsnap         ejshamow...
p5-html-wikiconverter-xwiki            ejshamow...
p5-css                                 ejshamow...   1.08 -> 1.09
p5-html-wikiconverter-markdown         ejshamow...   0.05 -> 0.06
p5-dbix-sqlcrosstab                    face...
p5-gd-svg                              jason...
p5-sort-naturally                      jason...      1.02 -> 1.03
p5-class-whitehole                     mat...
p5-datetime-format-iso8601             mat...        0.07 -> 0.08
p5-number-format                       mat...        1.52 -> 1.73
p5-devel-nytprof                       michael...    4.06 -> 5.06
p5-net-ssh2                            mni...        0.33 -> 0.53
p5-mail-srs                            pixilla
p5-net-cidr-lite                       pixilla
p5-net-ip-match-regexp                 pixilla
p5-net-syslog                          pixilla
p5-sys-hostname-long                   pixilla       1.4  -> 1.5
p5-tie-dbi                             pixilla       1.05 -> 1.06

The following ports need just an update:


p5-directory-scratch       0.15     -> 0.16      dev...
p5-type-tiny               1.000004 -> 1.000005  devans
p5-data-uuid               1.219    -> 1.220     dluke...
p5-file-chdir              0.1008   -> 0.1009    dluke...
p5-log-log4perl            1.42     -> 1.46      jpo...
p5-statistics-descriptive  3.0607   -> 3.0608    jason-macports...


p5-xml-parser              2.41     -> 2.44      mjg...
p5-json-xs                 2.23     -> 3.01      nottwo
p5-ipe                     0.1.48   -> 0.3.1     rpz...

No maintainer:

p5-archive-zip                      1.39     -> 1.42 (r131583)
p5-business-isbn                    2.05     -> 2.09 (r131585)
p5-business-isbn-data               20081208 -> 20140910.002 (r131584)
p5-business-ismn                    1.11     -> 1.13 (r131586)
p5-catalyst-runtime                 5.90077  -> 5.90082
p5-catalyst-view-json               0.33     -> 0.35
p5-catalyst-view-tt                 0.41     -> 0.42
p5-class-gomor                      1.02     -> 1.03 (r131587)
p5-class-makemethods                1.01     -> 1.009 (r131588)
p5-config-autoconf                  0.22     -> 0.309
p5-config-ini                       0.024    -> 0.025
p5-const-fast                       0.013    -> 0.014
p5-data-compare                     1.22     -> 1.25
p5-dbd-pg                           3.4.2    -> 3.5.0
p5-dbi                              1.632    -> 1.633
p5-devel-checklib                   1.02     -> 1.03
p5-devel-ppport                     3.25     -> 3.27
p5-digest-md5                       2.53     -> 2.54
p5-digest-sha                       5.93     -> 5.95
p5-email-abstract                   3.007    -> 3.008
p5-email-mime                       1.926    -> 1.928
p5-extutils-libbuilder              0.04     -> 0.06
p5-finance-quotehist                1.20     -> 1.21
p5-gd                               2.53     -> 2.56
p5-geo-ip                           1.43     -> 1.45
p5-getopt-long                      2.42     -> 2.43
p5-gnupg-interface                  0.50     -> 0.51
p5-html-strip                       1.06     -> 2.09
p5-html-tableextract                2.11     -> 2.12
p5-http-daemon-ssl                  1.04     -> 1.05_01
p5-http-server-simple               0.44     -> 0.45_02
p5-image-exiftool                   9.76     -> 9.81
p5-image-info                       1.36     -> 1.37
p5-io-socket-socks                  0.65     -> 0.66
p5-io-socket-ssl                    2.009    -> 2.010
p5-math-mpfi                        0.05     -> 0.07
p5-math-mpfr                        3.22     -> 3.23
p5-mojolicious                      5.28     -> 5.72
p5-net-dict                         2.18     -> 2.19
p5-net-frame-dump                   1.13     -> 1.14
p5-net-twitter                      4.01006  -> 4.01007
p5-opengl                           0.6703   -> 0.6704
p5-pdf-api2                         2.022    -> 2.023
p5-pdf-reuse                        0.35     -> 0.36
p5-perlio-utf8_strict               0.004    -> 0.005
p5-plack-middleware-methodoverride  0.10     -> 0.11
p5-pod-simple                       3.28     -> 3.29
p5-podtohtml                        0.08     -> 0.09
p5-postscript-font                  1.10.02  -> 1.10.03
p5-postscript-simple                0.08     -> 0.09
p5-rtf-tokenizer                    1.18     -> 1.19
p5-soap-lite                        1.12     -> 1.13
p5-sys-meminfo                      0.91     -> 0.98
p5-template-timer                   1.00     -> 1.01_02
p5-term-sk                          0.14     -> 0.17
p5-test-cpan-meta                   0.23     -> 0.24
p5-test-harness                     3.34     -> 3.35
p5-test-longstring                  0.15     -> 0.17
p5-test-simple                      1.001014 -> 1.301001_097
p5-test-www-mechanize-catalyst      0.59     -> 0.60
p5-text-autoformat                  1.669004 -> 1.67
p5-text-bibtex                      0.69     -> 0.70
p5-text-pdf                         0.29     -> 0.29a
p5-text-recordparser                1.6.3    -> v1.6.3
p5-text-spellchecker                0.11     -> 0.14
p5-tie-cycle                        1.20     -> 1.21 (r131582)
p5-time-piece                       1.27     -> 1.29
p5-uuid                             0.05     -> 0.23
Version 10, edited 10 years ago by mojca (Mojca Miklavec) (previous) (next) (diff)

comment:5 Changed 10 years ago by danielluke (Daniel J. Luke)

I think I only added those p5 ports of mine for svk - you can nomaintainer them (and then do whatever you want) or I'll nomaintainer them when I get some spare time.

comment:6 in reply to:  5 Changed 10 years ago by danielluke (Daniel J. Luke)

Replying to dluke@…:

I think I only added those p5 ports of mine for svk - you can nomaintainer them (and then do whatever you want) or I'll nomaintainer them when I get some spare time.

I've nomaintainered them all. I updated the perl branches for most of them (I just tested to see if they built).

comment:7 Changed 10 years ago by cooljeanius (Eric Gallager)

Cc: egall@… added

Cc Me!

comment:8 Changed 10 years ago by mmpestorich (Mike M Pestorich)

Cc: mmpestorich@… added

Cc Me!

comment:9 in reply to:  4 Changed 10 years ago by gorticus (Jason Mitchell)

Replying to mojca@…:

... The following ports need just an update:


p5-statistics-descriptive 3.0607 3.0608 jason-macports...

Update submitted: ticket:46670

comment:10 Changed 10 years ago by mschout@…

I'm guessing I'm CC'd on this because of p5-app-ack, which I haven't even used in years. Someone can go ahead an nomaintainer this, or I'll submit a patch to nomaintainer it when I get time.

comment:11 Changed 10 years ago by mschout@…

actualyl it looks like it was p5-file-next that I am listed as maint on. I'll submit a nomaintainer patch for that.

comment:12 in reply to:  11 Changed 10 years ago by mf2k (Frank Schima)

Replying to mschout@…:

actualyl it looks like it was p5-file-next that I am listed as maint on. I'll submit a nomaintainer patch for that.

No need. I have done this in r132170.

comment:13 Changed 10 years ago by mf2k (Frank Schima)

Cc: mschout@… removed

comment:14 Changed 10 years ago by mojca (Mojca Miklavec)

A lot of work has been done by devans and others to make this mission almost complete.

But just to make it clear: what are we still planning to do before closing this ticket? (If we just keep track of outdated Perl modules, the ticket will remain open forever.)

We should probably create a bunch of "port abandoned" tickets for (some of?) the maintainers listed above. Volunteers welcome.

The only ports still missing support for 5.20 are the following ones:

Should we wait for them or may we close the ticket before all those ports get fixed? (Then again, if ports are broken with 5.16 already, we could just as well add 5.20 next to 5.16 and the port won't be any more broken than it used to be.)

This tickets contains a lot of maintainers in CC and most of them aren't affected by this ticket any longer. (I wouldn't like to generate too much e-mail traffic with this ticket with further discussions. And ... I would like to close the ticket at some point. The sooner the better.)

Last edited 9 years ago by mojca (Mojca Miklavec) (previous) (diff)

comment:15 Changed 9 years ago by mojca (Mojca Miklavec)

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

I'm closing this ticket. It has been superseded by #48313 at least (except for the list of inactive maintainers which we might still want to look into one day).

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.