Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #46057, comment 8

Dec 30, 2014, 6:38:01 PM (10 years ago)
dbevans (David B. Evans)


  • Ticket #46057, comment 8

    v1 v2  
    88The attached patch (relative to svn r130129), uses this approach to simplify the Portfile and use the perl5 portgroup to greatest advantage.
    10 The included patch-Makefile.diff, patches the Makefile to replace the various hard coded user options with symbols that can be uniquely replaced with the desired values during the post-patch phase.  In addition, the commented install-html target is enabled as a dependency of the install target and fixups to the various install rules are made so that they behave as originally intended when installing into $destroot, including installing necessary installation directories where required. 
     10The included patch-Makefile.diff, patches the Makefile to replace the various hard coded user options with symbols that can be uniquely replaced with the desired values during the post-patch phase.  In addition, the commented install-html target is enabled as a dependency of the install target and fixups to the various install rules are made so that they behave as originally intended when installing into $destroot, including installing necessary directories where required. 
    1212The post-patch phase then replaces the patched symbolic values with appropriate paths expected by the perl5 port group.  Attempts to fixup DOC/Makefile have been removed because, although this Makefile is invoked during the install target, it does nothing because pre-generated copies of the HTML documentation are included in the distributed tarball.