Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #46921, comment 4

Feb 23, 2015, 5:38:44 PM (10 years ago)
cjones051073 (Chris Jones)


  • Ticket #46921, comment 4

    initial v1  
    1 What will happen to users install the default port (no variants). will they be automatically migrated to the new default if we where to change to gcc49 ? I don't want to make the change and suddenly have users asking why they are no longer using the binary installs, and being forced to building from source, just because what was default variants is no longer the case.
     1What will happen to users who previously installed the default port (no variants). Will they be automatically migrated to the new default if we where to change to gcc49 ? I don't want to make the change and suddenly have users asking why they are no longer using the binary installs, and being forced to building from source, just because what was default variants is no longer the case.
    33Note that root only uses gcc for an F77 compiler, so on that basis it makes no difference what so ever which is used. I maintain the variants just to allow users who do build from source, for whatever reason, the ability to choose incase they have a preference (for instance maybe they already have one gcc installed, and do not wish to get a different one).