Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #47035, comment 30

Dec 9, 2015, 7:06:48 AM (9 years ago)
neverpanic (Clemens Lang)


  • Ticket #47035, comment 30

    initial v1  
    1 Yes, this is all Perl code that compares compiler version numbers to find out whether AVX or the addx instruction are available. Why the OpenSSL project has literally (at least) 13 copies of the some code is beyond me. I also don't understand why they compare version macros rather than just, say, run an AVX or addx instruction through to toolchain to see if it works.
     1Yes, this is all Perl code that compares compiler version numbers to find out whether AVX or the addx instruction are available. Why the OpenSSL project has literally (at least) 13 copies of the same code is beyond me. I also don't understand why they compare version numbers rather than just, say, run an AVX or addx instruction through the toolchain to see if it works.
    3 I'm not in the business of refactoring OpenSSL code in what seems to be rather large endeavor.
     3However, I'm not in the business of refactoring OpenSSL code in what seems to be rather large endeavor.
    55You can use the OpenSSL test suite to check whether the code miscompiles with the change. Additionally, compare the output of `openssl speed` with that of 1.0.2d on 10.7, that should give you a rough idea whether it is using the same assembler optimizations.