Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 5 months ago

#47197 new enhancement

cmake-based ports: add cmake.out_of_source yes/no — at Initial Version

Reported by: mojca (Mojca Miklavec) Owned by: macports-tickets@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version:
Keywords: portgroup Cc: alpar@…, andre.anjos@…, apfeiffer1@…, aronnax@…, benjamin.seppke@…, benjaminlyu@…, cal@…, christian.frisson@…, christsc@…, david.weese@…, devans@…, dinh.viet.hoa@…, eborisch@…, ferran.casarramona@…, florian@…, g.lorenz@…, g5pw@…, gamperl@…, gav@…, gtolemans@…,…, hvdwolf@…, iapain@…, jonesc@…, juanrgar@…, julien.malik@…, jwbacon@…, khindenburg@…, krischik@…, laurent.el-shafey@…, lubodiakov@…, luiji@…, luminans@…, marin.saric@…, mark.brethen@…, mcalhoun@…, michael.klein@…, michaelld@…, mk@…, mlund@…, mmoll@…, mojca@…, mschamschula@…, mwilliams256@…, nicos@…, openmaintainer@…, p.schmiedeskamp@…, patrick@…, petr@…, pixilla@…, pvanek@…, quest@…, raimue@…, raphael@…, reiffert@…, richardsjohnt@…, rjvbertin@…, rudloff@…, ryandesign@…, sean@…, sicherha@…, snc@…, starkhalo@…, stromnov@…, support@…, takeshi@…, tcurdt@…, venabled@…, vince@…, vincent@…
Port: Cockatrice FastAD HDF5-External-Filter-Plugins Io KeePassX PlasmaClient PlasmaShop SDL3-devel SoapySDR TOra Vidalia allegro5 apiextractor autopano-sift-c brotli cableswig cgal5 chemkit chipmunk choqok chromaprint clucene-devel coinor-liblemon converseen cutecom-qt4-mac ebook-tools efte eigen emergent eo ettercap falcon fann freecell-solver gccxml-devel generatorrunner gerbil gmt5 gnss-sdr gnudatalanguage highway iAIDA innoextract jasper jasper2 kst libad9361-iio libbert libbiosig libcec libframe libftdi libhsplasma libjxl libmusicbrainz3 libmusicbrainz5 libsolv libtuxcap llvm-10 llvm-11 llvm-5.0 llvm-6.0 llvm-7.0 llvm-8.0 llvm-9.0 luametatex lzfse mariadb mariadb-10.1 mariadb-10.10 mariadb-10.11 mariadb-10.2 mariadb-10.3 mariadb-10.4 mariadb-10.5 mariadb-10.6 mariadb-10.7 mariadb-10.8 mariadb-10.9 mathgl mlpack mstch mulle-xcode-settings mysql55 mysql55-connector-cpp mysql56 mysql57 netcdf oxygen-gtk2 oxygen-gtk2 oxygen-icons p8-platform pdf2htmlex phonon-backend-gstreamer phonon-backend-gstreamer piklab playerstage-stage plplot510 polyclipping qfsm qjson qlandkartegt qlandkartegt-garmindev rtmidi sdl12-compat shenidam shogun-devel sqliteman streamlog sysdig tasksh telepathy-qt tinyxml tmux-mem-cpu-load viennacl volk-gnss-sdr vramsteg vulkan-loader wireshark2 wireshark22 wireshark3 wireshark30 wxLua xalanc xournalpp yajl zopfli


Following #33259 and r134128 it would be nice if maintainers of ports using the cmake PortGroup would add the following line to their ports

cmake.out_of_source yes

and test whether the ports still compile fine (no need for a revbump). Some ports already use out-of-source builds, so those ports would need a minor clean-up.

If the port doesn't work that way, please add an explicit

cmake.out_of_source no

with a short comment (and possibly file an upstream bug report).

Once all the ports are tested, this would become the default behaviour and the line (setting yes) will be removed from the ports.

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