Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 5 months ago

#47197 new enhancement

cmake-based ports: add cmake.out_of_source yes/no — at Version 57

Reported by: mojca (Mojca Miklavec) Owned by: macports-tickets@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version:
Keywords: portgroup Cc: alpar@…, andre.anjos@…, apfeiffer1@…, aronnax@…, benjamin.seppke@…, christian.frisson@…, david.weese@…, devans@…, dinh.viet.hoa@…, ferran.casarramona@…, florian@…, g.lorenz@…, gamperl@…, gav@…, gtolemans@…,…, hvdwolf@…, iapain@…, juanrgar@…, julien.malik@…, khindenburg@…, krischik@…, laurent.el-shafey@…, lubodiakov@…, luiji@…, luminans@…, marin.saric@…, mark.brethen@…, mcalhoun@…, michael.klein@…, mk@…, mlund@…, mmoll@…, mojca@…, mschamschula@…, mwilliams256@…, nicos@…, p.schmiedeskamp@…, petr@…, pixilla@…, pvanek@…, quest@…, raimue@…, reiffert@…, richardsjohnt@…, rjvbertin@…, rudloff@…, ryandesign@…, sean@…, sicherha@…, snc@…, starkhalo@…, stromnov@…, support@…, takeshi@…, venabled@…, vince@…, vincent@…, amcgee@…
Port: Cockatrice FastAD HDF5-External-Filter-Plugins Io KeePassX PlasmaClient PlasmaShop SDL3-devel SoapySDR TOra Vidalia allegro5 apiextractor autopano-sift-c brotli cableswig cgal5 chemkit chipmunk choqok chromaprint clucene-devel coinor-liblemon converseen cutecom-qt4-mac ebook-tools efte eigen emergent eo ettercap falcon fann freecell-solver gccxml-devel generatorrunner gerbil gmt5 gnss-sdr gnudatalanguage highway iAIDA innoextract jasper jasper2 kst libad9361-iio libbert libbiosig libcec libframe libftdi libhsplasma libjxl libmusicbrainz3 libmusicbrainz5 libsolv libtuxcap llvm-10 llvm-11 llvm-5.0 llvm-6.0 llvm-7.0 llvm-8.0 llvm-9.0 luametatex lzfse mariadb mariadb-10.1 mariadb-10.10 mariadb-10.11 mariadb-10.2 mariadb-10.3 mariadb-10.4 mariadb-10.5 mariadb-10.6 mariadb-10.7 mariadb-10.8 mariadb-10.9 mathgl mlpack mstch mulle-xcode-settings mysql55 mysql55-connector-cpp mysql56 mysql57 netcdf oxygen-gtk2 oxygen-gtk2 oxygen-icons p8-platform pdf2htmlex phonon-backend-gstreamer phonon-backend-gstreamer piklab playerstage-stage plplot510 polyclipping qfsm qjson qlandkartegt qlandkartegt-garmindev rtmidi sdl12-compat shenidam shogun-devel sqliteman streamlog sysdig tasksh telepathy-qt tinyxml tmux-mem-cpu-load viennacl volk-gnss-sdr vramsteg vulkan-loader wireshark2 wireshark22 wireshark3 wireshark30 wxLua xalanc xournalpp yajl zopfli

Description (last modified by dstrubbe (David Strubbe))

Following #33259 and r134128 it would be nice if maintainers of ports using the cmake PortGroup would add the following line to their ports

cmake.out_of_source yes

and test whether the ports still compile fine (no need for a revbump). Some ports already use out-of-source builds, so those ports would need a minor clean-up.

If the port doesn't work that way, please add an explicit

cmake.out_of_source no

with a short comment (and possibly file an upstream bug report).

Once all the ports are tested, this would become the default behaviour and the line (setting yes) will be removed from the ports.

List of affected ports (not necessarily up to date):

Ports which require maintainer approval

  • PlasmaClient (ryandesign):
  • PlasmaShop (ryandesign):
  • alps (
  • apbs (
  • autopano-sift-c (,
  • cgal (vince):
  • coinor-liblemon (,
  • fann (
  • flann (mmoll): ?
  • gmt5 (,takeshi): r134283
  • gnudatalanguage (takeshi): r134284
  • gnuradio (michaelld): r134164
  • h3dutil ( r134471
  • htcondor (aronnax):
  • indi (
  • indi_maxdomeii (
  • kealib (vince):
  • libbiosig ( r134178
  • libhsplasma (ryandesign):
  • liblas (
  • libnifalcon ( r135988
  • libpcl (,vince):
  • magicspp (takeshi): r134297
  • metis (sean):
  • ogre (
  • ompl (mmoll):
  • oxygen-icons (nicos): r134217
  • pgrouting (vince):
  • physfs (
  • piklab (
  • playerstage-player (
  • playerstage-stage (
  • qgis (vince):
  • qhull (mmoll):
  • qlandkartegt (,mk):
  • qlandkartegt-garmindev (,mk):
  • qore-qt4-module (
  • root6 (,mojca): r134138
  • rsgislib (vince):
  • seqan-apps (
  • sfcgal (vince):
  • streamlog (
  • uhd (michaelld): r134170
  • vigra (

Ports with openmaintainer

  • Bear (cal,openmaintainer): r134188
  • OpenGTL (,openmaintainer): r134172
  • TOra (pvanek,openmaintainer):
  • airspy (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134227
  • armadillo (,openmaintainer):
  • assimp (openmaintainer,mmoll): ?
  • bladeRF (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134224
  • blosc (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • box2d (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • bullet (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • ceres-solver (mmoll,openmaintainer): ?
  • charm (,mk,openmaintainer):
  • chipmunk (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • chromaprint (khindenburg,openmaintainer): r134479
  • clhep (mojca,openmaintainer): r134136
  • clucene (,openmaintainer):
  • dcmtk (eborisch,openmaintainer): r135597
  • dolfin (sean,openmaintainer):
  • efte (reiffert,openmaintainer):
  • eigen (nicos,openmaintainer): r134215
  • eigen3 (eborisch,openmaintainer): r140077
  • exiv2 (,openmaintainer):
  • falcon (snc,openmaintainer):
  • fcl (mmoll,openmaintainer):
  • freealut (,openmaintainer):
  • freecad (,openmaintainer):
  • gate (mojca,openmaintainer): r134133
  • geant4 (mojca,openmaintainer): r134132
  • gerbil (cal,openmaintainer): r134191
  • glfw (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134225
  • gr-air-modes (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134241
  • gr-ais (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134240
  • gr-baz (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134239
  • gr-dvbs (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134238
  • gr-dvbs2 (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134237
  • gr-dvbt (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134236
  • gr-fcdproplus (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134235
  • gr-fosphor (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134233
  • gr-iqbalance (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134232
  • gr-mac (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134231
  • gr-osmosdr (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134230
  • gr-rds (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134229
  • graphite2 (ryandesign,openmaintainer):
  • hackrf (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134226
  • iAIDA (mojca,,openmaintainer): r134134
  • kst (nicos,openmaintainer): r134216
  • lensfun (devans,openmaintainer): r134153
  • lib2geom (devans,openmaintainer): r134154
  • libLASi (takeshi,openmaintainer): r134298
  • libccd (mmoll,openmaintainer):
  • libdynd (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • libftdi (snc,openmaintainer):
  • libgit2 (juanrgar,devans,openmaintainer): r134155
  • liblastfm (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134242
  • libphonenumber-cpp (devans,openmaintainer): r134156
  • libproxy (devans,openmaintainer): r134157
  • libssh (cal,openmaintainer): r134187
  • libtuxcap (ryandesign,openmaintainer):
  • lmms (ryandesign,openmaintainer): r135968
  • mariadb (pixilla,openmaintainer): r137069
  • mariadb-10.0 (pixilla,openmaintainer): r137069
  • mariadb-10.1 (pixilla,openmaintainer): r137069
  • mysql55 (pixilla,openmaintainer): r137069
  • mysql55-connector-cpp (pixilla,openmaintainer):
  • mysql56 (pixilla,openmaintainer): r137069
  • nomacs (pvanek,openmaintainer):
  • oce (,openmaintainer):
  • openal-soft (ryandesign,openmaintainer):
  • openbabel (,openmaintainer):
  • opencv (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • openjpeg (mcalhoun,openmaintainer): r138982
  • orfeotoolbox (,stromnov,openmaintainer): r136969
  • parmetis (sean,openmaintainer):
  • pdf2htmlex (,mojca,openmaintainer): r134135
  • pdfpc (cal,openmaintainer): r134192
  • percona (,openmaintainer): r137069
  • phonon (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134243
  • phonon-backend-gstreamer (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134247
  • podofo (devans,openmaintainer): r134159
  • pqp (mmoll,openmaintainer): ?
  • py-dynd (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • py-pyside (openmaintainer,mmoll): ?
  • py-pyside-tools (openmaintainer,mmoll): ?
  • py-shiboken (openmaintainer,mmoll):
  • qlipper (pvanek,openmaintainer):
  • quassel (sicherha,openmaintainer):
  • rabbitmq-c (ryandesign,openmaintainer):
  • rspamd (pixilla,openmaintainer):
  • rtl-sdr (michaelld,openmaintainer): r134246
  • scalapack (sean,openmaintainer):
  • scantailor (raphael,openmaintainer): r148275
  • sdcv (ryandesign,openmaintainer):
  • shogun-devel (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • sigil (openmaintainer,krischik):
  • soci (,openmaintainer):
  • sysdig (g5pw,openmaintainer): r147845
  • tagainijisho (,openmaintainer):
  • telepathy-qt (nicos,openmaintainer): r135178
  • tinyxml (openmaintainer,mmoll): r134144
  • viennacl (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • vramsteg (raimue,openmaintainer): r134597
  • vtk (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • weechat (,openmaintainer): r137362
  • xrootd (,openmaintainer): r139539
  • yajl (,openmaintainer): r139535
  • yaml-cpp (,openmaintainer): r139538

Ports with nomaintainer

  • Cockatrice:
  • FreeRDP: r135596
  • Io:
  • LucenePlusPlus:
  • OpenSceneGraph:
  • OpenSceneGraph-devel:
  • Vidalia:
  • allegro:
  • allegro5:
  • apiextractor:
  • assimp2:
  • avidemux: r141390
  • chemkit:
  • choqok:
  • clucene-devel:
  • collada-dom:
  • cuneiform: r136891
  • cutecom-qt4-mac: r148651
  • ebook-tools:
  • emergent:
  • ettercap:
  • freecell-solver:
  • gccxml-devel: r148679
  • generatorrunner:
  • gl2ps: r135599
  • gmsh: r134173
  • hugin-app: r134470
  • json_spirit:
  • libmsn:
  • libmusicbrainz3:
  • libplist:
  • lua-luabitop:
  • newmat:
  • nifticlib:
  • orocos-kdl:
  • orocos-rtt:
  • osgswig-devel:
  • polkit-qt:
  • portmidi:
  • qfsm:
  • scribus: r137847
  • synergy:
  • synergy-devel:
  • taglib: r139536
  • task: r139537
  • tigervnc: r138607
  • toluapp:
  • usbmuxd:
  • vrpn:
  • vtk5:
  • vxl:
  • wbxml2:
  • wesnoth: r139534
  • widelands:
  • wxLua: r134469
  • zorba: r139532


Change History (63)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by mojca (Mojca Miklavec)

(list of ports removed)

Last edited 10 years ago by mojca (Mojca Miklavec) (previous) (diff)

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by mf2k (Frank Schima)

@mojca: Here's the list with maintainers specified. It should probably be put in the description so anyone can update the list. I can edit this comment and remove this if you don't want it.

Ports which require maintainer approval

  • PlasmaClient (ryandesign):
  • PlasmaShop (ryandesign):
  • alps (
  • apbs (
  • autopano-sift-c (,
  • bob (,
  • cgal (vince):
  • coinor-liblemon (,
  • cutecom-qt4-mac (
  • fann (
  • flann (mmoll):
  • gmt5 (,takeshi):
  • gnudatalanguage (takeshi):
  • gnuradio (michaelld):
  • h3dutil (
  • htcondor (aronnax):
  • indi (
  • indi_maxdomeii (
  • kealib (vince):
  • libbiosig (
  • libhsplasma (ryandesign):
  • liblas (
  • libnifalcon (
  • libpcl (,vince):
  • magicspp (takeshi):
  • metis (sean):
  • ogre (
  • ompl (mmoll):
  • oxygen-icons (nicos):
  • pgrouting (vince):
  • physfs (
  • piklab (
  • playerstage-player (
  • playerstage-stage (
  • qgis (vince):
  • qhull (mmoll):
  • qlandkartegt (,mk):
  • qlandkartegt-garmindev (,mk):
  • qore-qt4-module (
  • root6 (,mojca):
  • rsgislib (vince):
  • seqan-apps (
  • sfcgal (vince):
  • streamlog (
  • uhd (michaelld):
  • vigra (

Ports with openmaintainer

  • Bear (cal,openmaintainer):
  • OpenGTL (,openmaintainer):
  • TOra (pvanek,openmaintainer):
  • airspy (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • armadillo (,openmaintainer):
  • assimp (openmaintainer,mmoll):
  • bladeRF (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • blosc (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • box2d (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • bullet (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • ceres-solver (mmoll,openmaintainer):
  • charm (,mk,openmaintainer):
  • chipmunk (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • chromaprint (khindenburg,openmaintainer):
  • clhep (mojca,openmaintainer):
  • clucene (,openmaintainer):
  • dcmtk (eborisch,openmaintainer):
  • dolfin (sean,openmaintainer):
  • efte (reiffert,openmaintainer):
  • eigen (nicos,openmaintainer):
  • eigen3 (eborisch,openmaintainer):
  • exiv2 (,openmaintainer):
  • falcon (snc,openmaintainer):
  • fcl (mmoll,openmaintainer):
  • freealut (,openmaintainer):
  • freecad (,openmaintainer):
  • gate (mojca,openmaintainer):
  • geant4 (mojca,openmaintainer):
  • gerbil (cal,openmaintainer):
  • glfw (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • gr-air-modes (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • gr-ais (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • gr-baz (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • gr-dvbs (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • gr-dvbs2 (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • gr-dvbt (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • gr-fcdproplus (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • gr-fosphor (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • gr-iqbalance (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • gr-mac (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • gr-osmosdr (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • gr-rds (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • graphite2 (ryandesign,openmaintainer):
  • hackrf (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • iAIDA (mojca,,openmaintainer):
  • kst (nicos,openmaintainer):
  • lensfun (devans,openmaintainer):
  • lib2geom (devans,openmaintainer):
  • libLASi (takeshi,openmaintainer):
  • libccd (mmoll,openmaintainer):
  • libdynd (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • libftdi (snc,openmaintainer):
  • libgit2 (juanrgar,devans,openmaintainer):
  • liblastfm (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • libphonenumber-cpp (devans,openmaintainer):
  • libproxy (devans,openmaintainer):
  • libssh (cal,openmaintainer):
  • libtuxcap (ryandesign,openmaintainer):
  • lmms (ryandesign,openmaintainer):
  • mariadb (pixilla,openmaintainer):
  • mariadb-10.0 (pixilla,openmaintainer):
  • mariadb-10.1 (pixilla,openmaintainer):
  • mysql55 (pixilla,openmaintainer):
  • mysql55-connector-cpp (pixilla,openmaintainer):
  • mysql56 (pixilla,openmaintainer):
  • nomacs (pvanek,openmaintainer):
  • oce (,openmaintainer):
  • openal-soft (ryandesign,openmaintainer):
  • openbabel (,openmaintainer):
  • opencv (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • openjpeg (mcalhoun,openmaintainer):
  • orfeotoolbox (,stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • parmetis (sean,openmaintainer):
  • pdf2htmlex (,mojca,openmaintainer):
  • pdfpc (cal,openmaintainer):
  • percona (,openmaintainer):
  • phonon (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • phonon-backend-gstreamer (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • podofo (devans,openmaintainer):
  • pqp (mmoll,openmaintainer):
  • py-dynd (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • py-pyside (openmaintainer,mmoll):
  • py-pyside-tools (openmaintainer,mmoll):
  • py-shiboken (openmaintainer,mmoll):
  • qlipper (pvanek,openmaintainer):
  • quassel (sicherha,openmaintainer):
  • rabbitmq-c (ryandesign,openmaintainer):
  • rspamd (pixilla,openmaintainer):
  • rtl-sdr (michaelld,openmaintainer):
  • scalapack (sean,openmaintainer):
  • scantailor (raphael,openmaintainer):
  • sdcv (ryandesign,openmaintainer):
  • shogun-devel (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • sigil (openmaintainer,krischik):
  • soci (,openmaintainer):
  • sysdig (g5pw,openmaintainer):
  • tagainijisho (,openmaintainer):
  • telepathy-qt (nicos,openmaintainer):
  • tinyxml (openmaintainer,mmoll):
  • viennacl (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • vramsteg (raimue,openmaintainer):
  • vtk (stromnov,openmaintainer):
  • weechat (,openmaintainer):
  • xrootd (,openmaintainer):
  • yajl (,openmaintainer):
  • yaml-cpp (,openmaintainer):

Ports with nomaintainer

  • Cockatrice (nomaintainer):
  • FreeRDP (nomaintainer):
  • Io (nomaintainer):
  • LucenePlusPlus (nomaintainer):
  • OpenSceneGraph (nomaintainer):
  • OpenSceneGraph-devel (nomaintainer):
  • Vidalia (nomaintainer):
  • allegro (nomaintainer):
  • allegro5 (nomaintainer):
  • apiextractor (nomaintainer):
  • assimp2 (nomaintainer):
  • avidemux (nomaintainer):
  • chemkit (nomaintainer):
  • choqok (nomaintainer):
  • clucene-devel (nomaintainer):
  • collada-dom (nomaintainer):
  • cuneiform (nomaintainer):
  • ebook-tools (nomaintainer):
  • emergent (nomaintainer):
  • ettercap (nomaintainer):
  • freecell-solver (nomaintainer):
  • gccxml-devel (nomaintainer):
  • generatorrunner (nomaintainer):
  • gl2ps (nomaintainer):
  • gmsh (nomaintainer):
  • hugin-app (nomaintainer):
  • json_spirit (nomaintainer):
  • libmsn (nomaintainer):
  • libmusicbrainz3 (nomaintainer):
  • libplist (nomaintainer):
  • lua-luabitop (nomaintainer):
  • newmat (nomaintainer):
  • nifticlib (nomaintainer):
  • orocos-kdl (nomaintainer):
  • orocos-rtt (nomaintainer):
  • osgswig-devel (nomaintainer):
  • polkit-qt (nomaintainer):
  • portmidi (nomaintainer):
  • qfsm (nomaintainer):
  • scribus (nomaintainer):
  • synergy (nomaintainer):
  • synergy-devel (nomaintainer):
  • taglib (nomaintainer):
  • task (nomaintainer):
  • tigervnc (nomaintainer):
  • toluapp (nomaintainer):
  • usbmuxd (nomaintainer):
  • vrpn (nomaintainer):
  • vtk5 (nomaintainer):
  • vxl (nomaintainer):
  • wbxml2 (nomaintainer):
  • wesnoth (nomaintainer):
  • widelands (nomaintainer):
  • wxLua (nomaintainer):
  • zorba (nomaintainer):

Changed 10 years ago by Schamschula (Marius Schamschula)

Attachment: Portfile-OpenGTL.diff added

Fixed Portfile for OpenGTL

Changed 10 years ago by Schamschula (Marius Schamschula)

Attachment: Portfile-armadillo.diff added

Fixed Portfile for armadillo

comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by mamoll (Mark Moll)

I have committed fixes for ports for which I am listed as maintainer: assimp, ceres-solver, fcl, flann, libccd, ompl, pqp, py-pyside, py-pyside-tools, py-shiboken, qhull, and tinyxml.

Changed 10 years ago by Schamschula (Marius Schamschula)

Attachment: Portfile-gmsh.diff added

comment:4 Changed 10 years ago by Schamschula (Marius Schamschula)

I've updated the Portfiles for OpenGTL (I'm the maintainer), armadillo (openmaintainer) and gmash (nomaintainer). All three build w/o any problems.

Changed 10 years ago by neurodroid (Christoph Schmidt-Hieber)

Attachment: Portfile-libbiosig.diff added

Fixed Portfile for libbiosig

comment:5 Changed 10 years ago by richardsjohnt@…

I'm the maintainer of the Portfile for libnifalcon, though I haven't used it in a few years. I tried to build it using the current Portfile on Yosemite, but it failed. Additionally, I think the project may have been abandoned (last commit was 2ish years ago). Maybe it's time to prune this port?

comment:6 in reply to:  4 Changed 10 years ago by larryv (Lawrence Velázquez)

r134172: OpenGTL, r134173: gmsh

comment:7 Changed 10 years ago by larryv (Lawrence Velázquez)

r134178: libbiosig

comment:8 Changed 10 years ago by RJVB (René Bertin)

What exactly is the idea after having confirmed that things still work with cmake.out_of_source yes? Submit with that line in place, or remove it again, and let things follow their course?

comment:9 in reply to:  8 Changed 10 years ago by larryv (Lawrence Velázquez)

The former.

Eventually, all ports using cmake-1.0 will contain either “cmake.out_of_source yes” or “cmake.out_of_source no”. At that point, we’ll switch the default to “yes” and remove all the “cmake.out_of_source yes” lines (this is easily automated).

comment:10 Changed 10 years ago by RJVB (René Bertin)

There's one niggle with that scheme: ports that currently use out-of-source because they are obliged to. We lose trace of that if you remove all OOS setters when it becomes the default, breaking things if ever for whatever reason the default is switched back to non-OOS.

comment:11 in reply to:  10 ; Changed 10 years ago by larryv (Lawrence Velázquez)

Replying to rjvbertin@…:

There's one niggle with that scheme: ports that currently use out-of-source because they are obliged to. We lose trace of that if you remove all OOS setters when it becomes the default, breaking things if ever for whatever reason the default is switched back to non-OOS.

Why this would ever happen? And in the event that it does happen, presumably we’d go through this testing process again.

We don’t apply this logic anywhere else. Ports that install using make install don’t all explictly set install to defend against possible changes to the default value.

This is getting off-topic.

comment:12 Changed 10 years ago by dbevans (David B. Evans)

Ports that I maintain are now updated

comment:13 Changed 10 years ago by RJVB (René Bertin)

The ports I (co)maintain and that don't depend on the KDE4 portgroup (I provided a patch for that one to mk, who'll commit it)

Last edited 9 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt) (previous) (diff)

comment:14 Changed 10 years ago by Schamschula (Marius Schamschula)

I saw rjvb's comment regarding my Vc port. I hadn't updated the Portfile as the port hasn't officially been added to MacPorts: #46774 is still open. I did test his updated Portfile, with

cmake.out_of_source yes

in place: no problems here.

Last edited 9 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt) (previous) (diff)

comment:15 in reply to:  14 Changed 10 years ago by RJVB (René Bertin)

Replying to mschamschula@…:

I saw rjvb's comment regarding my Vc port.

As a matter of fact, we created almost exactly the same Portfile independently; you just beat me to submitting it :)

comment:16 Changed 10 years ago by neverpanic (Clemens Lang)

Cc: cal@… removed

comment:17 Changed 10 years ago by mkae (Marko Käning)

comment:18 Changed 10 years ago by sicherha@…

comment:19 Changed 10 years ago by NicosPavlov

eigen: r134215
kst: r134216
oxygen-icons: r134217

telepathy-qt is on hold, as some dependencies do not compile presently

comment:20 Changed 10 years ago by michaelld (Michael Dickens)

Port: airspy bladeRF glfw gnuradio gr-air-modes gr-ais gr-baz gr-dvbs gr-dvbs2 gr-dvbt gr-fcdproplus gr-fosphor gr-iqbalance gr-mac gr-osmosdr gr-rds liblastfm phonon phonon-backend-gstreamer rtl-sdr uhd removed

I think these are all of the ports I'm listed on:

comment:21 Changed 10 years ago by tenomoto (Takeshi Enomoto)

Changed 10 years ago by daniel.evestedt@…

Attachment: Portfile-h3dutil.diff added

Fixed Portfile for h3dutil.

comment:22 Changed 10 years ago by daniel.evestedt@…

Also updated the Portfiles and versions for the following ports that have not been added to the repository yet. Could someone please have a look and add them as h3dutil by itself does not do much?

comment:23 Changed 10 years ago by mojca (Mojca Miklavec)

Port: Bear OpenGTL armadillo clhep eigen gate geant4 gerbil gmsh gmt5 gnudatalanguage h3dutil hugin-app iAIDA kst lensfun lib2geom libLASi libbiosig libgit2 libphonenumber-cpp libproxy libssh magicspp oxygen-icons pdf2htmlex pdfpc podofo quassel root6 wxLua removed

My ports:


  • wxlua r134469
  • hugin-app r134470
  • h3dutil r134471 (request sent from a different email address; hopefully from the maintainer)

comment:24 in reply to:  11 Changed 10 years ago by mojca (Mojca Miklavec)

(Not to be taken seriously.)

Replying to larryv@…:

Replying to rjvbertin@…:

There's one niggle with that scheme: ports that currently use out-of-source because they are obliged to. We lose trace of that if you remove all OOS setters when it becomes the default, breaking things if ever for whatever reason the default is switched back to non-OOS.

Why this would ever happen? And in the event that it does happen, presumably we’d go through this testing process again.

We don’t apply this logic anywhere else.

When testing individual ports I sometimes get a feeling that it could be nice to distinguish between yes, no and dontcare to distinguish between ports that only work with out-of-source, ports where out-of-source fails and ports that work under both regimes.

But of course that would be a waste of resources without any real benefit.

comment:25 Changed 10 years ago by kurthindenburg (Kurt Hindenburg)

Port: chromaprint removed

chromaprint: r134479

comment:26 Changed 10 years ago by raimue (Rainer Müller)

comment:27 Changed 10 years ago by petrrr

Cc: petr@… added

Cc Me!

comment:28 Changed 9 years ago by NicosPavlov

Telepathy-qt done in r135178.

comment:29 Changed 9 years ago by dbevans (David B. Evans)

FreeRDP: r135596.

comment:30 Changed 9 years ago by petrrr

Cc: petr@… removed

Cc Me!

comment:31 Changed 9 years ago by mojca (Mojca Miklavec)

Port: FreeRDP gl2ps telepathy-qt vramsteg removed

comment:32 Changed 9 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

lmms: r135968

comment:33 Changed 9 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Cc: openmaintainer@… removed
Port: libnifalcon lmms removed

libnifalcon: r135988

comment:34 Changed 9 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Port: cuneiform removed

cuneiform: r136891

comment:35 Changed 9 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Port: orfeotoolbox removed

orfeotoolbox: r136969

Changed 9 years ago by lubodiakov@…

Attachment: Portfile-freealut.diff added

Includes cmake.out_of_source yes plus 10.5/10.4 tweaks

comment:36 Changed 9 years ago by pixilla (Bradley Giesbrecht)

Port: mariadb mariadb-10.0 mariadb-10.1 mysql55 mysql56 percona removed

mariadb, mariadb-10.0, mariadb-10.1, mysql55, mysql56 and percona: r137069

comment:37 Changed 9 years ago by kurthindenburg (Kurt Hindenburg)

Port: weechat removed

weechat r137362

comment:38 Changed 9 years ago by dbevans (David B. Evans)

scribus r137847

comment:39 Changed 9 years ago by SickTeddyBear

Cc: amcgee@… added

Cc Me!

comment:40 Changed 9 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Port: tigervnc removed

tigervnc: r138607

comment:41 Changed 9 years ago by michaelld (Michael Dickens)

Cc: michaelld@… removed
Port: hackrf removed

hackrf was done in r134226, and that's my last port so I'm removing myself from the cc list.

comment:42 Changed 9 years ago by MarcusCalhoun-Lopez (Marcus Calhoun-Lopez)

openjpeg changed in r138982.

comment:43 Changed 9 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Cc: benjaminlyu@… jonesc@… patrick@… removed
Port: taglib task tinyxml wesnoth xrootd yajl yaml-cpp zorba removed

comment:44 Changed 9 years ago by eborisch (Eric A. Borisch)

Cc: eborisch@… removed
Port: dcmtk eigen3 removed

Updated / removed

comment:45 Changed 9 years ago by mamoll (Mark Moll)

Port: assimp ceres-solver fcl flann libccd ompl pqp py-pyside py-pyside-tools py-shiboken qhull removed

Removed: assimp, ceres-solver, fcl, flann, libccd, ompl, pqp, py-pyside, py-pyside-tools, py-shiboken, qhull

comment:46 Changed 9 years ago by michaelld (Michael Dickens)

Port: avidemux removed

avidemux done in r141390.

comment:47 Changed 9 years ago by tcurdt@…

Cc: tcurdt@… removed

Cc Me!

comment:48 Changed 9 years ago by kurthindenburg (Kurt Hindenburg)

Port: bullet removed

comment:49 Changed 8 years ago by raphael-st (Raphael Straub)

Cc: raphael@… removed
Port: scantailor removed

scantailor done in r148275.

comment:50 Changed 8 years ago by g5pw (Aljaž Srebrnič)

Cc: g5pw@… removed

Sysdig was updated in r147845.

comment:51 Changed 8 years ago by mf2k (Frank Schima)

Cc: jwbacon@… removed

Removed jwbacon from Cc since he retired. See #51305.

comment:52 Changed 8 years ago by neurodroid (Christoph Schmidt-Hieber)

Cc: christsc@… removed

Cc Me!

comment:53 Changed 8 years ago by mf2k (Frank Schima)

Port: cutecom-qt4-mac removed

cutecom-qt4-mac done in r148651.

comment:54 Changed 8 years ago by mojca (Mojca Miklavec)

Description: modified (diff)

comment:55 Changed 8 years ago by mamoll (Mark Moll)

Description: modified (diff)

comment:56 Changed 8 years ago by dbevans (David B. Evans)

Description: modified (diff)

py-bob-* has its own build system which uses cmake but not the portgroup. Removing it from this ticket.

comment:57 Changed 8 years ago by dstrubbe (David Strubbe)

Description: modified (diff)
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