Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #50175, comment 4

Jan 4, 2016, 6:35:07 AM (9 years ago)
mojca (Mojca Miklavec)


  • Ticket #50175, comment 4

    initial v1  
    33The problem is that what is in the github repository is not equivalent to what is on [ CTAN].
    5 Instead of putting releases 1.0.1, 1.0.2, etc. to their own tags in git, they are present in master in their own subfolders which is not what git was supposed to bee used for. I could live with that, but then the other files in master are not complete either, the script `latexdiff-fast` is missing for example and the latest release doesn't have its own subfolder, so that I could fetch the files from there.
     5Instead of putting releases 1.0.1, 1.0.2, etc. to their own tags in git, they are present in master in their own subfolders which is not what git was supposed to be used for. I could live with that, but then the other files in master are not complete either, the script `latexdiff-fast` is missing for example and the latest release doesn't have its own subfolder, so that I could fetch the files from there.
    77I don't think that a simple pull request would do (even though it might improve things and might be sufficient for our needs). For a proper solution one would have to refactor the git repository completely.