Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #50513

Feb 2, 2016, 3:55:02 PM (9 years ago)
dbevans (David B. Evans)

On future tickets please use WikiFormatting when quoting from terminal output or log files for better readibility, copy the port maintainers

port info --maintainer py27-pep8 py27-pep8-157

and fill in the Port field of the ticket. Thanks.

Note that, according to your terminal output, the conflict is between py27-pep8 and py27-pep8-157. Ports that have a dependency on py-pep8 currently depend on py-pep8-157 due to a regression in the 1.6.x series of py-pep8 that, in particular, effected py-flake8. Recently released py-pep8 1.7.0 claims to have fixed this issue so upgrading to this version as well as latest py-flake8 1.5.2 should allow this conflict to be removed.

In the meantime, if you really don't need to use py-pep8 1.6.x, just deactivate this port. No other ports currently depend on it.

sudo port deactivate py27-pep8


  • Ticket #50513

    • Property Cc petr@… patrik.hartlen@… added
    • Property Version changed from 2.3.4 to
    • Property Port py-pep8 py-pep8-157 added
    • Property Summary changed from conflict py27-spyder@2.3.8_0 and py27-pep8-157 to py27-pep8: conflict with py27-pep8-157 on update
  • Ticket #50513 – Description

    initial v1  
    11Hi, while upgrading outdated I've got the following conflict. Thank you for your help.
    35--->  Cleaning py27-spyder
    46--->  Computing dependencies for py-spyder
    2224--->  Computing dependencies for py27-pep8
    2325Error: Unable to upgrade port: Can't install py27-pep8 because conflicting ports are active: py27-pep8-157