Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #50771, comment 20

Mar 5, 2016, 7:45:57 AM (9 years ago)


  • Ticket #50771, comment 20

    initial v1  
    44> If upstream is still interested in being portable to older platforms, they'll need to fix this.
    6 Thank you for your help. I tried your patch file and for me it works fine. The openssl 1.0.2g build completed withput errors after applying your patch file. It was not neccessary for me to use a patch file before, so I was not too experienced with that process. Perhaps I made a mistake in regard to the source paths, because I manually had to drag and drop every single .pl file to the Terminal window which needed to be patched, but in the end it worked. Thank you again.
     6Thank you for your help. I tried your patch file and for me it works fine. The openssl 1.0.2g build completed without errors after applying your patch file. It was not neccessary for me to use a patch file before, so I was not too experienced with that process. Perhaps I made a mistake in regard to the source paths, because I manually had to drag and drop every single .pl file to the Terminal window which needed to be patched, but in the end it worked. Thank you again.