Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#50826 closed defect

Build Atlas Error — at Initial Version

Reported by:… Owned by: macports-tickets@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 2.3.4
Keywords: Cc:
Port: atlas


AXPYBASED=1 \ :info:build ALLALIGNXY=0 LDYTOP=0 FNU=0 X87=0 :info:build ID=2 ROUT='ATL_cgemvN_8x4_sse3.c' AUTH='R. Clint Whaley' TA='N' \ :info:build rankR=0 CacheElts=0 SSE=3 alignA=8 alignY=16 alignX=0 minM=9 minN=4 \ :info:build NU=4 MU=8 LDAMUL=16 PFTUNABLE=1 ALIGNX2A=1 ADDCFLAGS=0 GEMMBASED=0 AXPYBASED=1 \ :info:build ALLALIGNXY=0 LDYTOP=0 FNU=1 X87=0 CFLAGS='-x assembler-with-cpp' \ :info:build COMP='gcc' :info:build :info:build BEGIN BASIC KERNEL TESTS: :info:build NUKING bad kernel ATL_cgemvN_axpy.c(1), MU=1, NU=16 :info:build NUKING bad kernel ATL_cgemvN_8x4_sse3.c(2), MU=8, NU=4 :info:build DONE BASIC KERNEL TESTS: :info:build :info:build :info:build Surviving cases: :info:build make[3]: * [res/cMVNK.sum] Abort trap: 6 :info:build make[3]: Leaving directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_math_atlas/atlas/work/ATLAS/build/tune/blas/gemv' :info:build make[2]: * opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_math_atlas/atlas/work/ATLAS/build/tune/blas/gemv/res/cMVNK.sum Error 2 :info:build make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_math_atlas/atlas/work/ATLAS/build/bin' :info:build ERROR 998 DURING MVNTUNE!!. CHECK INSTALL_LOG/cMVNTUNE.LOG FOR DETAILS. :info:build make[2]: Entering directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_math_atlas/atlas/work/ATLAS/build/bin' :info:build cd /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_math_atlas/atlas/work/ATLAS/build ; /Applications/ error_report :info:build make[3]: Entering directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_math_atlas/atlas/work/ATLAS/build' :info:build /Applications/ -f error_report :info:build make[4]: Entering directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_math_atlas/atlas/work/ATLAS/build' :info:build uname -a 2>&1 >> bin/INSTALL_LOG/ERROR.LOG :info:build /usr/bin/clang -v 2>&1 >> bin/INSTALL_LOG/ERROR.LOG :info:build Apple LLVM version 6.1.0 (clang-602.0.49) (based on LLVM 3.6.0svn) :info:build Target: x86_64-apple-darwin15.3.0 :info:build Thread model: posix :info:build /usr/bin/clang -V 2>&1 >> bin/INSTALL_LOG/ERROR.LOG :info:build clang: error: argument to '-V' is missing (expected 1 value) :info:build clang: error: no input files :info:build make[4]: [error_report] Error 1 (ignored) :info:build /usr/bin/clang --version 2>&1 >> bin/INSTALL_LOG/ERROR.LOG :info:build tar cf error_Corei264AVX.tar bin/INSTALL_LOG/* :info:build bzip2 error_Corei264AVX.tar :info:build bzip2: Output file error_Corei264AVX.tar.bz2 already exists. :info:build make[4]: * [error_report] Error 1 :info:build make[4]: Leaving directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_math_atlas/atlas/work/ATLAS/build' :info:build make[3]: * [error_report] Error 2 :info:build make[3]: Leaving directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_math_atlas/atlas/work/ATLAS/build' :info:build make[2]: * [error_report] Error 2 :info:build make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_math_atlas/atlas/work/ATLAS/build/bin' :info:build cat: ../../CONFIG/error.txt: No such file or directory :info:build cat: ../../CONFIG/error.txt: No such file or directory :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 1-0-0: SYSTEM PROBE/AUX COMPILE at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build Level 1 cache size calculated as 32KB :info:build dFPU: Separate multiply and add instructions with 5 cycle pipeline. :info:build Apparent number of registers : 23 :info:build Register-register performance=-6564.10MFLOPS :info:build sFPU: Separate multiply and add instructions with 5 cycle pipeline. :info:build Apparent number of registers : 19 :info:build Register-register performance=-6564.10MFLOPS :info:build DONE STAGE 1-0-0 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-0-0: TYPE-DEPENDENT TUNING at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-1-0: TUNING PREC='d' (precision 1 of 4) at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-1-1: BUILDING BLOCK MATMUL TUNE at 22:12 :info:build The best matmul kernel was CASES/ATL_dmm4x2x256_avx.c, NB=52, written by R. Clint Whaley :info:build Performance: 23001.30MFLOPS (793.15 percent of of detected clock rate) :info:build (Gen case got 10871.89MFLOPS) :info:build NCgemmNN : muladd=1, lat=1, pf=1, nb=40, mu=4, nu=4 ku=1, :info:build ForceFetch=1, ifetch=5 nfetch=3 :info:build Performance = 11248.40 (48.90 of copy matmul, 387.88 of clock) :info:build NCgemmNT : muladd=1, lat=8, pf=1, nb=40, mu=4, nu=4 ku=40, :info:build ForceFetch=1, ifetch=5 nfetch=3 :info:build Performance = 11506.59 (50.03 of copy matmul, 396.78 of clock) :info:build NCgemmTN : muladd=1, lat=1, pf=1, nb=40, mu=4, nu=4 ku=40, :info:build ForceFetch=1, ifetch=5 nfetch=3 :info:build Performance = 11055.87 (48.07 of copy matmul, 381.24 of clock) :info:build NCgemmTT : muladd=1, lat=8, pf=1, nb=40, mu=4, nu=4 ku=1, :info:build ForceFetch=1, ifetch=5 nfetch=3 :info:build Performance = 10924.40 (47.49 of copy matmul, 376.70 of clock) :info:build make -f Makefile MMinstall pre=d 2>&1 | ./xatlas_tee INSTALL_LOG/Stage1.log :info:build DONE STAGE 2-1-1 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-1-2: CacheEdge DETECTION at 22:12 :info:build DONE STAGE 2-1-2 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-1-3: SMALL/LARGE CROSSOVER at 22:12 :info:build DONE STAGE 2-1-3 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-1-4: L3BLAS TUNE at 22:12 :info:build make -f Makefile INSTALL_LOG/atlas_dtrsmXover.h pre=d 2>&1 | ./xatlas_tee INSTALL_LOG/dL3TUNE.LOG :info:build make -f Makefile dcblaslib 2>&1 | ./xatlas_tee INSTALL_LOG/dL3TUNE.LOG :info:build DONE STAGE 2-1-4 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-1-5: GEMV TUNE at 22:12 :info:build gemvN : main kernel 900002:dmvn_sse.c written by R. Clint Whaley :info:build mu=16, nu=2, using 16384 Cache Elements :info:build Performance = 4009.10 (17.43 of copy matmul, 138.24 of clock) :info:build gemvT : main kernel 900002:dmvt_sse.c written by R. Clint Whaley :info:build mu=32, nu=2, using 18432 Cache Elements :info:build Performance = 4163.44 (18.10 of copy matmul, 143.57 of clock) :info:build DONE STAGE 2-1-5 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-1-6: GER TUNE at 22:12 :info:build ger : main kernel 900002:dr2_sse.c written by R. Clint Whaley :info:build mu=16, nu=2, using 30720 Cache Elements :info:build Performance = 4803.90 (20.89 of copy matmul, 165.65 of clock) :info:build DONE STAGE 2-1-6 at 22:12 :info:build DONE STAGE 2-0-0 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-2-0: TUNING PREC='s' (precision 2 of 4) at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-2-1: BUILDING BLOCK MATMUL TUNE at 22:12 :info:build The best matmul kernel was CASES/ATL_smm4x2x8_avx.c, NB=48, written by R. Clint Whaley :info:build Performance: 32124.73MFLOPS (1107.75 percent of of detected clock rate) :info:build (Gen case got 18957.32MFLOPS) :info:build NCgemmNN : muladd=1, lat=3, pf=1, nb=68, mu=4, nu=6 ku=68, :info:build ForceFetch=1, ifetch=3 nfetch=1 :info:build Performance = 21353.20 (66.47 of copy matmul, 736.32 of clock) :info:build NCgemmNT : muladd=1, lat=5, pf=1, nb=68, mu=4, nu=6 ku=1, :info:build ForceFetch=1, ifetch=3 nfetch=1 :info:build Performance = 20600.40 (64.13 of copy matmul, 710.36 of clock) :info:build NCgemmTN : muladd=1, lat=6, pf=1, nb=68, mu=4, nu=6 ku=20, :info:build ForceFetch=1, ifetch=3 nfetch=1 :info:build Performance = 19457.31 (60.57 of copy matmul, 670.94 of clock) :info:build NCgemmTT : muladd=1, lat=5, pf=1, nb=68, mu=4, nu=6 ku=1, :info:build ForceFetch=1, ifetch=3 nfetch=1 :info:build Performance = 18029.73 (56.12 of copy matmul, 621.71 of clock) :info:build make -f Makefile MMinstall pre=s 2>&1 | ./xatlas_tee INSTALL_LOG/dL3TUNE.LOG :info:build DONE STAGE 2-2-1 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-2-2: CacheEdge DETECTION at 22:12 :info:build DONE STAGE 2-2-2 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-2-3: SMALL/LARGE CROSSOVER at 22:12 :info:build DONE STAGE 2-2-3 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-2-4: L3BLAS TUNE at 22:12 :info:build make -f Makefile INSTALL_LOG/atlas_strsmXover.h pre=s 2>&1 | ./xatlas_tee INSTALL_LOG/sL3TUNE.LOG :info:build make -f Makefile scblaslib 2>&1 | ./xatlas_tee INSTALL_LOG/sL3TUNE.LOG :info:build DONE STAGE 2-2-4 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-2-5: GEMV TUNE at 22:12 :info:build gemvN : main kernel 900002:smvn_sse.c written by R. Clint Whaley :info:build mu=16, nu=1, using 12288 Cache Elements :info:build Performance = 8531.01 (26.56 of copy matmul, 294.17 of clock) :info:build gemvT : main kernel 900002:smvt_sse.c written by R. Clint Whaley :info:build mu=32, nu=2, using 32768 Cache Elements :info:build Performance = 8377.08 (26.08 of copy matmul, 288.86 of clock) :info:build DONE STAGE 2-2-5 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-2-6: GER TUNE at 22:12 :info:build ger : main kernel 900002:sr2_sse.c written by R. Clint Whaley :info:build mu=16, nu=1, using 57344 Cache Elements :info:build Performance = 10470.96 (32.59 of copy matmul, 361.07 of clock) :info:build DONE STAGE 2-2-6 at 22:12 :info:build DONE STAGE 2-0-0 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-3-0: TUNING PREC='z' (precision 3 of 4) at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-3-1: BUILDING BLOCK MATMUL TUNE at 22:12 :info:build The best matmul kernel was CASES/ATL_dmm4x2x4_avx.c, NB=56, written by R. Clint Whaley :info:build Performance: 16932.11MFLOPS (583.87 percent of of detected clock rate) :info:build (Gen case got 12175.65MFLOPS) :info:build NCgemmNN : muladd=1, lat=8, pf=1, nb=28, mu=4, nu=4 ku=4, :info:build ForceFetch=1, ifetch=3 nfetch=1 :info:build Performance = 9646.31 (56.97 of copy matmul, 332.63 of clock) :info:build NCgemmNT : muladd=1, lat=8, pf=1, nb=28, mu=4, nu=4 ku=4, :info:build ForceFetch=1, ifetch=3 nfetch=1 :info:build Performance = 9523.22 (56.24 of copy matmul, 328.39 of clock) :info:build NCgemmTN : muladd=1, lat=2, pf=1, nb=28, mu=4, nu=4 ku=4, :info:build ForceFetch=1, ifetch=3 nfetch=1 :info:build Performance = 11099.45 (65.55 of copy matmul, 382.74 of clock) :info:build NCgemmTT : muladd=1, lat=8, pf=1, nb=28, mu=4, nu=4 ku=4, :info:build ForceFetch=1, ifetch=3 nfetch=1 :info:build Performance = 9767.18 (57.68 of copy matmul, 336.80 of clock) :info:build make -f Makefile MMinstall pre=z 2>&1 | ./xatlas_tee INSTALL_LOG/sL3TUNE.LOG :info:build DONE STAGE 2-3-1 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-3-2: CacheEdge DETECTION at 22:12 :info:build DONE STAGE 2-3-2 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-3-3: SMALL/LARGE CROSSOVER at 22:12 :info:build DONE STAGE 2-3-3 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-3-4: L3BLAS TUNE at 22:12 :info:build make -f Makefile Il3lib pre=z 2>&1 | ./xatlas_tee INSTALL_LOG/zL3TUNE.LOG :info:build make -f Makefile zcblaslib 2>&1 | ./xatlas_tee INSTALL_LOG/zL3TUNE.LOG :info:build DONE STAGE 2-3-4 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-3-5: GEMV TUNE at 22:12 :info:build gemvN : main kernel 900002:zmvn_sse.c written by R. Clint Whaley :info:build mu=8, nu=2, using 16384 Cache Elements :info:build Performance = 7801.84 (46.08 of copy matmul, 269.03 of clock) :info:build gemvT : main kernel 900002:zmvt_sse.c written by R. Clint Whaley :info:build mu=8, nu=2, using 14336 Cache Elements :info:build Performance = 8297.43 (49.00 of copy matmul, 286.12 of clock) :info:build DONE STAGE 2-3-5 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-3-6: GER TUNE at 22:12 :info:build ger : main kernel 900005:zr2_sse.c written by R. Clint Whaley :info:build mu=4, nu=2, using 0 Cache Elements :info:build Performance = 9420.77 (55.64 of copy matmul, 324.85 of clock) :info:build DONE STAGE 2-3-6 at 22:12 :info:build DONE STAGE 2-0-0 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-4-0: TUNING PREC='c' (precision 4 of 4) at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-4-1: BUILDING BLOCK MATMUL TUNE at 22:12 :info:build The best matmul kernel was CASES/ATL_smm4x2x8_avx.c, NB=72, written by R. Clint Whaley :info:build Performance: 30721.91MFLOPS (1059.38 percent of of detected clock rate) :info:build (Gen case got 18877.52MFLOPS) :info:build NCgemmNN : muladd=1, lat=5, pf=1, nb=44, mu=4, nu=6 ku=1, :info:build ForceFetch=1, ifetch=5 nfetch=2 :info:build Performance = 14702.07 (47.86 of copy matmul, 506.97 of clock) :info:build NCgemmNT : muladd=1, lat=5, pf=1, nb=44, mu=4, nu=6 ku=1, :info:build ForceFetch=1, ifetch=5 nfetch=2 :info:build Performance = 16838.08 (54.81 of copy matmul, 580.62 of clock) :info:build NCgemmTN : muladd=1, lat=8, pf=1, nb=44, mu=4, nu=6 ku=1, :info:build ForceFetch=1, ifetch=5 nfetch=2 :info:build Performance = 14437.76 (46.99 of copy matmul, 497.85 of clock) :info:build NCgemmTT : muladd=1, lat=5, pf=1, nb=44, mu=4, nu=6 ku=4, :info:build ForceFetch=1, ifetch=5 nfetch=2 :info:build Performance = 15513.12 (50.50 of copy matmul, 534.94 of clock) :info:build make -f Makefile MMinstall pre=c 2>&1 | ./xatlas_tee INSTALL_LOG/zL3TUNE.LOG :info:build DONE STAGE 2-4-1 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-4-2: CacheEdge DETECTION at 22:12 :info:build DONE STAGE 2-4-2 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-4-3: SMALL/LARGE CROSSOVER at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build STAGE 2-4-3: COPY/NO-COPY CROSSOVER DETECTION :info:build make -f Makefile INSTALL_LOG/cXover.h pre=c 2>&1 | ./xatlas_tee INSTALL_LOG/cMMCROSSOVER.LOG :info:build done. :info:build DONE STAGE 2-4-3 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-4-4: L3BLAS TUNE at 22:12 :info:build make -f Makefile Il3lib pre=c 2>&1 | ./xatlas_tee INSTALL_LOG/cL3TUNE.LOG :info:build make -f Makefile ccblaslib 2>&1 | ./xatlas_tee INSTALL_LOG/cL3TUNE.LOG :info:build DONE STAGE 2-4-4 at 22:12 :info:build :info:build :info:build BEGIN STAGE 2-4-5: GEMV TUNE at 22:12 :info:build make -f Makefile INSTALL_LOG/cMVNK.sum pre=c 2>&1 | ./xatlas_tee INSTALL_LOG/cMVNTUNE.LOG :info:build make[1]: * [build] Error 255 :info:build make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_math_atlas/atlas/work/ATLAS/build' :info:build make: * [build] Error 2 :info:build make: Leaving directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_math_atlas/atlas/work/ATLAS/build' :info:build Command failed: cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_math_atlas/atlas/work/ATLAS/build" && /usr/bin/make -w build :info:build Exit code: 2 :error:build for port atlas returned: command execution failed :debug:build Error code: CHILDSTATUS 1997 2 :debug:build Backtrace: command execution failed

while executing

"system -nice 0 $fullcmdstring"

("eval" body line 1) invoked from within

"eval system $notty $nice \$fullcmdstring"

invoked from within

"command_exec build"

(procedure "portbuild::build_main" line 8) invoked from within


("eval" body line 1) invoked from within

"eval $procedure $targetname" :info:build Warning: targets not executed for atlas: org.macports.install org.macports.destroot :notice:build Please see the log file for port atlas for details:


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