Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #51430

May 18, 2016, 4:16:56 PM (8 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Based on the error message, it sounds like you tried to run port clam. That's not a valid MacPorts command.

It also looks like you tried to run sudo port load clamav. Instead, you should install the clamav-server port and then follow the instructions in the notes it prints, or review those notes at any time by running port notes clamav-server.

In the general case, you can find out what files a port has installed by running port contents followed by the port name, for example port contents chkrootkit.

If you need further help using MacPorts, please write to the macports-users mailing list, rather than writing in the issue tracker. The issue tracker is for bug reports and feature requests.


  • Ticket #51430

    • Property Status changed from new to closed
    • Property Resolution changed from to invalid
  • Ticket #51430 – Description

    initial v1  
    11I have macports installed on El Capitan but port and sudo port commands to try to activate a macports installed programme only produces an error such as:
    23Error: Unrecognized action "port clam"
    34Error: org.macports.load for port clamav returned: Launchd plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.clamav.plist was not found
    46So I don't know how to use macports programmes.
    57Sudo port self-update works and other port commands but I can't access anything in it, any of the programmes that macport has installed to run and use them.