Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #51516, comment 99

Aug 23, 2022, 2:01:30 AM (23 months ago)
kencu (Ken)


  • Ticket #51516, comment 99

    v1 v2  
    55There is an acceptable real-world workaround that has been suggested by neverpanic in the mailing lists about a year ago. It involves having the relevant part of MacPorts use the system libcurl by default, but look for an use the alternate MacPorts libcurl first if it exists. You can find the mailing list discussion in MacPorts-dev a year ago or perhaps 18 months.
    7 You would use the relevant dyld functions to look for an open the libcurl in ${prefix} if it exists, and then use the functions needed in there (as I recall they are slightly different), or if there is no libcurl in ${prefix} fall back to the one in the system and use that.
     7You would use the relevant dyld functions to look for and open the libcurl in ${prefix} if it exists, and then use the functions needed in there (as I recall they are slightly different), or if there is no libcurl in ${prefix} fall back to the one in the system and use that.
    99This solution is elegant, certainly correct, robust, and does not require macports to bundle libcurl (and thereby be responsible for security breaches in so doing). It is also time consuming, requires considerable programming expertise to accomplish, and will need to be maintained based on changes in libcurl in ${prefix} as it is updated.