Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #51619, comment 36

Jan 5, 2017, 9:01:45 PM (8 years ago)
RJVB (René Bertin)


  • Ticket #51619, comment 36

    initial v1  
    1212I had also strongly suggested that `qt5.using_kde` should be a normal Tcl variable, for simplicity.
    14 Ports are supposed to instruct the Qt5 PG what they expect from it, and that means setting a variable before the PG is loaded, much like port:qt5 and port:qt5-kde set `building_qt5` before loading the PG. Using an options variable for that is overkill that makes things more complex for everyone.
     14Ports are supposed to instruct the Qt5 PG what they expect from it, and that means setting a variable before the PG is loaded, much like port:qt5 and port:qt5-kde set `building_qt5` before loading the PG. Using an options variable for that is overkill that makes things more complex for everyone. Fortunately `qt5.using_kde` was never meant to be used for this and there's still time to make adjustments.
     16Let me make something very clear here. I do not want to see a repeat of the situation of a year or so ago where I see all my work and carefully thought out mechanism be changed, after having exposed it for months without feedback, and without being able to rectify anything because I don't have commit access. That's no basis to work with, and that could ultimately mean there will be no KF5 ports in MacPorts.
     18We're not yet at that point, let's not get there at all.