Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #53044, comment 21

Oct 6, 2018, 6:55:37 PM (6 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #53044, comment 21

    initial v1  
    33> If one can indeed use gcc 5/6/7 to build C++11 and keep it linked against the system libstdc++, we need to start discussing that on the mailing list. I seriously mean that because that would solve most of our problems.
    5 As you know from our previous posts <> I've been doing this for months on 10.4 and 10.5 PPC with good success. Occasionally you need to build something with apple's compilers (due to complex ObjC or apple-specific flags), but usually things build and work well. A list of what I have currently installed on 10.4 PPC is here if you're curious <>. 10.5 builds more, but I don't have that list up right now.
     5As you know from our previous posts comment:ticket:52468:45 I've been doing this for months on 10.4 and 10.5 PPC with good success. Occasionally you need to build something with apple's compilers (due to complex ObjC or apple-specific flags), but usually things build and work well. A list of what I have currently installed on 10.4 PPC is here if you're curious <>. 10.5 builds more, but I don't have that list up right now.
    77I have llvm-3.7, libc++, libc++abi, libunwind, libmacho, ld64, and cctools installed and apparently working on 10.5 PPC. Just can't quite get clang-3.7 to build through to completion at present -- some kind of out-of-memory error in the final link...