Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #53076, comment 33

Mar 6, 2017, 4:42:32 PM (8 years ago)
kencu (Ken)


  • Ticket #53076, comment 33

    v1 v2  
    55I was looking into how to install a parallel isl 1.14 version -- that in and of itself doesn't look too hard. Then gcc has to be able to be configured to build against a specified isl version, which is usually possible. And finally, I guess it doesn't matter if cloog is built against a different isl version than the one gcc is built against, so that might just be able to be ignored. Messy stuff, to be sure, but we have multiple installations of clang, llvm, gcc, lua, python, and others, so it's do-able.
     7Still, by far the neatest solution to this issue, if it works, would be to have a build version of isl that is used interally for the gcc build and then deleted after the build, as per [ticket:53662].
     9I'll see if I get time to make up some PRs for gcc46, 47, 48 I guess to get this texinfo issue off the table. Then we can close of this ticket and move on to fixing [ticket:53662].