Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #53117, comment 6

Dec 22, 2016, 3:50:04 PM (8 years ago)
neverpanic (Clemens Lang)


  • Ticket #53117, comment 6

    initial v1  
    11I can also see the requests sent to the ticket you were trying to update, but unfortunately no entry in `access.log` with a 500 error code for this ticket (weird, that should have been there).
    3 As to the claim that this affects only post requests, that's an interesting observation. I've run some statistics on our logs to check which requests fail more often. We had 664993 GET requests on 2016-12-20, out of which 9973 failed with error 500, which is about 1,5 %. In the same time, we had 970 POST requests, 6 of which failed, i.e. 0.62 %.
     3As to the claim that this affects only post requests, that's an interesting observation. I've run some statistics on our logs to check which requests fail more often. We had 664993 GET requests on 2016-12-20, out of which 9973 failed with error 500, which is about 1.5 %. In the same time, we had 970 POST requests, 6 of which failed, i.e. 0.62 %.
    55Ryan: Do you happen to have a specific request to mailman that you saw fail? That would be interesting to analyze to find out whether the problem is on Apache-side or in mod_wsgi.