Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #53471, comment 8

Feb 7, 2017, 1:19:16 PM (8 years ago)
gchinn (Gregory)


  • Ticket #53471, comment 8

    initial v1  
    3131while I was waiting for a reply to my last comment, I decided to install two other programs, cmus, then terminator. Initially, both failed with the same error: " command execution failed". At the time, I was using mp-gcc44. So then, I returned to the installation of qhull separately. I uninstalled mp-clang-3.4, only to have it reinstall as a dependency of either qhull or freecad. The next morning, I retried cmus after switching back to gcc42 and it installed with no errors and works perfectly. I retried terminator and gtk3 failed to install with the same error that was discussed in Ticket #52468. On that ticket, kencu asked, "why was he using clang34?". Once clang was installed, macports must have set it as default, because I didn't. I'm going to finish reading this ticket throughly, and hopefully, it may contain information to help solve both problems since clang is present during both compilations. I followed the one of the instructions on that ticket; installed switch to gcc6 and using the compiler argument with port. Qhull, gtk3 and terminator finally installed but getting terminator to run from the command line shows errors that I will address later.
    32         So, then I returned to the installation of freecad. Now, there is a problem with py27-shiboken. Over the past six month, I have tried to this g5 and an emac, both running leopard using macports-2.3.5 and the installation has always stopped at py27-setuptools or py27-shiboken. but not qhull One of the errors was so dumbfounding that I gave up on macports and tried fink, homebrew, and several ppc distro, including freebsd. "Error: py27-shiboken could not be installed because py27-shiboken was not installed". Eventually, I realized that I should stick one method instead of jumping around, I came back to macports and decided to enlist the help of macports trac. Before proceeding, should I file a new ticket for py27-shiboken or should it be left together for anyone trying to install freecad in the future if my efforts are successful. My apology, if this post isn't too long. Gregory
     32        So, then I returned to the installation of freecad. Now, there is a problem with py27-shiboken. Over the past six month, I have tried to freecad on this g5 and an emac, both running leopard using macports-2.3.5 and the installation has always stopped at py27-setuptools or py27-shiboken. but not qhull One of the errors was so dumbfounding that I gave up on macports and tried fink, homebrew, and several ppc distro, including freebsd. "Error: py27-shiboken could not be installed because py27-shiboken was not installed". Eventually, I realized that I should stick one method instead of jumping around, I came back to macports and decided to enlist the help of macports trac. Before proceeding, should I file a new ticket for py27-shiboken or should it be left together for anyone trying to install freecad in the future if my efforts are successful. My apology, if this post isn't too long. Gregory