Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #54124, comment 62

Sep 7, 2020, 11:28:37 PM (4 years ago)
ballapete (Peter "Pete" Dyballa)


  • Ticket #54124, comment 62

    initial v1  
    11Replying to [comment:59 kencu]:
    22> have you stumbled across a script that makes the prebuilt directories? Or is it all by hand?
    3 It was done manually: `gtar -cf - <the subdirs with built GO files in "bootstrap" directory> | ( pushd <"prebuilt/32-bit-big-endian" directory in outpacked new Guile version> ; gtar xf - )` followed by `gtar zcf /opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/guile/guile-<VERSION>.tar.gz ./guile-<VERSION>'. The original faulty GO files were first unlinked by gtar and then extracted from the pipe. The original TAR file was renamed so that a completely new TAR file with the original VERSION could be created. In `Portfile` I had to edit checksums and size to describe the new sources archive. The new TAR archive file shows my bootstrapped GO files in prebuilt/32-bit-big-endian.
     3It was done manually: `gtar -cf - <the subdirs with built GO files in "bootstrap" directory> | ( pushd <"prebuilt/32-bit-big-endian" directory in outpacked new Guile version> ; gtar xf - )` followed by `gtar zcf /opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/guile/guile-<VERSION>.tar.gz ./guile-<VERSION>`. The original faulty GO files were first unlinked by gtar and then extracted from the pipe. The original TAR file was renamed so that a completely new TAR file with the original VERSION could be created. In `Portfile` I had to edit checksums and size to describe the new sources archive. The new TAR archive file shows my bootstrapped GO files in prebuilt/32-bit-big-endian.
    55I might be seeing the cause for neglecting the new prebuilt files: