Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #54370, comment 17

Jan 20, 2022, 12:46:52 PM (3 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #54370, comment 17

    initial v1  
    1 I gave the 10.8 buildbot worker 12 GB RAM and started a gmic build. When the clang process reached around 10 GB RAM usage, it started eating up gigabytes of swap and I canceled the build and rebooted the worker with 18 GB RAM and started a new build. This time the clang process reached 15.74 GB before it started hitting the swap space. I saw the clang process use as much as 15.99 GB RAM and 6 GB swap. The build has been going for 53 minutes but I expect it to fail because:
     1I gave the 10.8 buildbot worker 12 GB RAM and started a gmic build. When the clang process reached around 10 GB RAM usage, it started eating up gigabytes of swap and I canceled the build and rebooted the worker with 18 GB RAM and started a new build. This time the clang process reached 15.74 GB before it started hitting the swap space. I saw the clang process use as much as 15.99 GB RAM and 6 GB swap. The build was canceled after 1 hour 3 minutes because of no output seen for 1 hour.
    33I gave the 10.9 worker 15 GB RAM and I observed the clang process using 12.47 GB at its peak. The build was canceled after 1 hour 58 minutes because of no output seen for 1 hour.
    1414* **10.8: Xcode 5.1.1 clang 503.0.40: failed after an hour**
    1515* **10.9: Xcode 6.2 clang 600.0.57: failed after an hour (the retry with 15 GB RAM failed after 1 hour 58)**
    16 * **10.10: Xcode 7.2.1 clang 700.1.81: failed after an hour**
     16* **10.10: Xcode 7.2.1 clang 700.1.81: failed after an hour (the retry with 18 GB RAM failed after 1 hour 3)**
    1717* **10.11: Xcode 8.2.1 clang 800.0.42.1: 1 hour 58 minutes**
    1818* **10.12: Xcode 9.2 clang 900.0.39.2: 1 hour 27 minutes**