Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #54426, comment 10

Jul 28, 2017, 3:14:12 PM (7 years ago)
kencu (Ken)


  • Ticket #54426, comment 10

    initial v1  
    1 You can 'lock' or 'peg' a port a certain version fairly easily -- if the new version builds. Just `sudo port selfupdate` and `sudo port upgrade outdated`, and if that works, you can `sudo port activate erlang` and select the older version of `erlang` (or any other port). You're good to go then -- for all intents and purposes, you're locked. IIRC, it won't ask again to upgrade that port, even when new versions come along.
     1You can 'lock' or 'peg' a port at certain version fairly easily -- if the new version builds. Just `sudo port selfupdate` and `sudo port upgrade outdated`, and if that works, you can `sudo port activate erlang` and select the older version of `erlang` (or any other port). You're good to go then -- for all intents and purposes, you're locked. IIRC, it won't ask again to upgrade that port, even when new versions come along.
    33The real problem is when the new version won't build -- then you have a situation. MacPorts will ask over and over for you to upgrade it, and you can't. It often won't build anything else in that case. Similarly, you have a problem if you can't build the current version of a port, but the version three updates back will build on your system.