Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #55382, comment 31

Nov 30, 2017, 5:37:04 PM (7 years ago)
kencu (Ken)


  • Ticket #55382, comment 31

    v1 v2  
    1010So as I see it, there are two choices:
    11 1. put a peg in the cmake portfile, and see how long it lasts until it breaks someday. Easy. Done.
    12 1. make a cmake39 port, and then figure out how to use it properly. For now, using the block I mentioned, serve it up to older systems that don't have cmake installed. Older systems that do have cmake installed probably also have clang-5.0 installed, and can build cmake 3.10.
     111. put a peg in the cmake portfile as you suggested initially, and see how long it lasts until it breaks someday. Easy. Done.
     121. make a cmake39 port, and then figure out how to use it properly. For now, using a block similar to the one I mentioned, serve it up to older systems that don't have cmake installed. Older Intel systems that do have cmake installed probably also have clang-5.0 installed, and can build cmake 3.10. If they don't have clang-5.0 installed, they should be able build it with the cmake they have installed already, unless `port` won't let them do that.