Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #55535

Dec 18, 2017, 10:24:06 AM (7 years ago)
Ionic (Mihai Moldovan)

Port names are not keywords...

Might be another dreaded C++11 problem - but this time stemming from libunwind-headers?

10.6 also affected.


  • Ticket #55535

    • Property Status changed from new to assigned
    • Property Cc michaelld added
    • Property Summary changed from boost@mpv(leopard): failed to build boost to boost@1.65.1_1: fails to build on legacy platforms
    • Property Keywords snowleopard added; mpv boost removed
    • Property Owner set to ryandesign
  • Ticket #55535 – Description

    initial v1  
    12sudo port install mpv +audiocd+bundle+dvd+libarchive+network+opengl+osd+python27+rubberband+x11
    23--->  Computing dependencies for mpv
    34The following dependencies will be installed:
    4  Xft2
    5  apr
    6  apr-util
    7  autoconf-archive
     5 [...]
    86 boost
    9  cmake
    10  ctags
    11  curl
    12  cyrus-sasl2
    13  db46
    14  ffmpeg
    15  flac
    16  gcc6
    17  gd2
    18  gdk-pixbuf2
    19  ghostscript
    20  giflib
    21  gnome-common
    22  graphite2
    23  graphviz
    24  groff
    25  gsed
    26  gtk-doc
    27  gts
    28  harfbuzz
    29  intltool
    30  isl
    31  jasper
    32  jbig2dec
    33  jbigkit
    34  jpeg
    35  kerberos5
    36  lcms2
    37  libLASi
    38  libarchive
    39  libcddb
    40  libcdio
    41  libcdio-paranoia
    42  libcomerr
    43  libcroco
    44  libdvdcss
    45  libdvdnav
    46  libdvdread
    47  libgcc
    48  libgcc6
    49  libidn
    50  libmagic
    51  libmpc
    52  libnetpbm
    53  libpaper
    54  libpsl
    55  librsvg
    56  libsndfile
    57  libtheora
    58  libuv
    59  libvorbis
    60  lua52
    61  lz4
    62  lzo2
    63  mpfr
    64  netpbm
    65  openjpeg
    66  p5.26-cpan-meta-requirements
    67  p5.26-devel-checkbin
    68  p5.26-encode-locale
    69  p5.26-extutils-makemaker
    70  p5.26-extutils-manifest
    71  p5.26-file-listing
    72  p5.26-getopt-long
    73  p5.26-html-form
    74  p5.26-html-parser
    75  p5.26-html-tagset
    76  p5.26-http-cookies
    77  p5.26-http-daemon
    78  p5.26-http-date
    79  p5.26-http-message
    80  p5.26-http-negotiate
    81  p5.26-io-html
    82  p5.26-io-socket-ssl
    83  p5.26-libwww-perl
    84  p5.26-lwp-mediatypes
    85  p5.26-lwp-protocol-https
    86  p5.26-mozilla-ca
    87  p5.26-net-http
    88  p5.26-net-libidn
    89  p5.26-net-ssleay
    90  p5.26-pathtools
    91  p5.26-scalar-list-utils
    92  p5.26-sub-name
    93  p5.26-sub-uplevel
    94  p5.26-test-exception
    95  p5.26-test-nowarnings
    96  p5.26-test-warn
    97  p5.26-try-tiny
    98  p5.26-uri
    99  p5.26-www-robotrules
    100  p5.26-xml-parser
    101  pango
    102  popt
    103  psutils
    104  py27-alabaster
    105  py27-babel
    106  py27-certifi
    107  py27-chardet
    108  py27-docutils
    109  py27-idna
    110  py27-imagesize
    111  py27-jinja2
    112  py27-pygments
    113  py27-requests
    114  py27-roman
    115  py27-snowballstemmer
    116  py27-sphinx
    117  py27-sphinxcontrib-websupport
    118  py27-typing
    119  py27-tz
    120  py27-urllib3
    121  rubberband
    122  scons
    123  serf1
    124  shared-mime-info
    125  source-highlight
    126  soxr
    127  speex
    128  sphinx_select
    129  subversion
    130  swig
    131  swig-python
    132  tiff
    133  urw-fonts
    134  vala
    135  webp
    136  x264
    137  xorg-libXScrnSaver
    138  xorg-libXaw
    139  xorg-libXinerama
    140  xorg-libXrandr
    141  xorg-libXv
    142  xorg-randrproto
    143  xorg-scrnsaverproto
    144  xorg-videoproto
    145  xorg-xineramaproto
    146  xpm
    147  youtube-dl
     7 [...]
    1488Continue? [Y/n]: y
    1499--->  Building boost
    15010Error: Failed to build boost: command execution failed