Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #55558, comment 8

Dec 21, 2017, 11:56:25 AM (7 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #55558, comment 8

    initial v1  
    66> Also, I did run selfupdate before trying again. Today, cantera  seems to be pulling in sundials2. However, I got an error in that cantera needs sundials2 + atlas, but fetches sundials2 without atlas. I uninstalled sundials2, then fetched sundials2 +atlas, and re-run "install cantera". Now it builds! Perhaps you can just update your portfile to ensure that sundials +atlas is pulled in....
    8 It is not possible for a port to declare a dependency on a specific variant of another port; MacPorts base does not have that capability. (See #126.) The best we can do in a portfile is detect if the other port does not have the necessary variant, and notify you of that, so that's what we do.
     8It is not possible for a port to declare a dependency on a specific variant of another port; MacPorts base does not have that capability. (See #126.) The best we can do in a portfile is detect if the other port does not have the necessary variant installed, and notify you of that, so that's what we do.