Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #55732

Jan 23, 2018, 4:31:31 AM (7 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #55732 – Description

    initial v2  
    1 While migrating from one machine (running El Capitan) to a new one (running High Sierra) I ran into an unexpected issue which I think should be mentioned on the Migration page of the wiki (
     1While migrating from one machine (running El Capitan) to a new one (running High Sierra) I ran into an unexpected issue which I think should be mentioned on the [wiki:Migration Migration] page of the wiki.
    33Because of the difference in the operating system between the two machines, I started out by setting up various things on the new machine fresh out of the box, including installing MacPorts and several ports.  After this, I used the Migration Assistant to copy over the data files associate with the (only) user on the old machine (via its Time Machine backup).  I specifically unchecked the options to copy over `/opt.../` and Computer settings.  I was merely trying to copy over the data files associated with that user and these were being written to a different username than was setup on the new machine.  However, despite this I found that my MacPorts installation and several ports were corrupted as a result of using the Migration Assistant.  After messing around with trying to follow the migration instructions after the fact for a while, I had to resort to wiping all ports and MacPorts itself and start from scratch.