Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #55870, comment 7

Mar 5, 2018, 5:29:46 PM (7 years ago)
jjstickel (Jonathan Stickel)


  • Ticket #55870, comment 7

    initial v1  
    44> I fucking hate this over-complication in MacPorts. Don't have time for this.
    6 Yes, that wiki tells you how to setup a local port tree (plus some extra steps that don't apply if you just need to apply patches from this ticket). While Macports is a well-designed packaging system that works most of the time, it suffers the usual bugs and delays due to insufficient volunteer developers. It doesn't help that Homebrew has stolen a lot of market share and developer time, either. You can try sending a message to the macports-user mailing list politely pointing out your need for this ticket to be addressed. It is blocking all ports that depend on gtk3 +quartz.
     6Yes, that wiki tells you how to setup a local port tree (plus some extra steps that don't apply if you just need to apply patches from this ticket). While Macports is a well-designed packaging system that works most of the time, it suffers the usual bugs and delays due to insufficient volunteer developers. It doesn't help that Homebrew has stolen a lot of market share and potential developers, either. You can try sending a message to the macports-user mailing list politely pointing out your need for this ticket to be addressed. It is blocking all ports that depend on gtk3 +quartz.