Changes between Initial Version and Version 4 of Ticket #56216

Jan 14, 2019, 10:48:14 AM (6 years ago)
l2dy (Zero King)


  • Ticket #56216

    • Property Cc Schamschula added
    • Property Keywords security added
    • Property Summary changed from openssh: update to 7.7p1 to openssh: update to 7.9p1
  • Ticket #56216 – Description

    initial v4  
     61. CWE-20: scp client improper directory name validation [CVE-2018-20685]
     8The scp client allows server to modify permissions of the target directory by using empty
     9("D0777 0 \n") or dot ("D0777 0 .\n") directory name.
     122. CWE-20: scp client missing received object name validation [CVE-2019-6111]
     14Due to the scp implementation being derived from 1983 rcp [1], the server chooses which
     15files/directories are sent to the client. However, scp client only perform cursory
     16validation of the object name returned (only directory traversal attacks are prevented).
     17A malicious scp server can overwrite arbitrary files in the scp client target directory.
     18If recursive operation (-r) is performed, the server can manipulate subdirectories
     19as well (for example overwrite .ssh/authorized_keys).
     21The same vulnerability in WinSCP is known as CVE-2018-20684.
     243. CWE-451: scp client spoofing via object name [CVE-2019-6109]
     26Due to missing character encoding in the progress display, the object name can be used
     27to manipulate the client output, for example to employ ANSI codes to hide additional
     28files being transferred.
     314. CWE-451: scp client spoofing via stderr [CVE-2019-6110]
     33Due to accepting and displaying arbitrary stderr output from the scp server, a
     34malicious server can manipulate the client output, for example to employ ANSI codes
     35to hide additional files being transferred.