Changes between Version 4 and Version 14 of Ticket #56294

Jan 23, 2019, 1:21:52 AM (6 years ago)
michaelld (Michael Dickens)


  • Ticket #56294

    • Property Keywords haspatch maintainer added
    • Property Summary changed from boost: update to 1.68.0 to boost: update to 1.69.0
  • Ticket #56294 – Description

    v4 v14  
    1 Boost 1.68.0 is out 09-Aug-2018, and builds with no significant changes to the port patches or Portfile. 1.67.0 built with no significant changes to the port patches or Portfile, but many dependent ports had a compatibility issues with 1.67.0; hopefully the vast majority of those have been resolved, given that it was out 14-Apr-2018 -- about 4 months ago.
     1Boost 1.69.0 is out as of 12/12/2018.
     3Because the Portfile currently uses "--layout=tagged", the resulting libraries names change from the Boost 1.68.0 to include an abbreviated architecture (e.g., "x64" for Intel 64-bit; "p32" for PPC 32-bit); thus for example, the prior naming might be "libboost_system-mt.dylib", while the new naming is "libbboost_system-mt-x64.dylib". This slight change combined with a defect in how CMake works with Clang results in the FindBoost.cmake script failing to detect the new library names with significant coercion.
     5This issue is resolved by moving to "--layout=system", which reverts the library names to just the minimum for each component; for example here "libboost_system.dylib".
     7Most of the changes to this latest Boost itself seem to be compatible with the ports I've tried building with it, once the Portfile is fixed to properly detect the changed name. That said, the 10 or so ports I checked pale compared with the total number of ports that depend on Boost (some 250 in total).
     9Verifying that "enough" of these ports build and function properly "enough" is an arduous task. We in MacPorts have yet to determine a reasonable approach to updating Boost, so the version provided in MacPorts regularly lags the latest release. Please be patient.