Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #57629, comment 8

Nov 18, 2018, 8:35:31 PM (6 years ago)
kencu (Ken)


  • Ticket #57629, comment 8

    initial v1  
    11Oh, I am very sorry then. This looked exactly like a mojave error, and there were no logs to look at more closely or information to steer otherwise. I apologize for jumping to that conclusion.
    3 In that case, the cmake build error on high sierra that you saw is most likely happening because of the linker warning that was emitted by the Xcode 10.1 linker (is it Xcode 10.1 you actually have?? -- have to see the log again...), complaining about i386 being deprecated.
    5 This warning causes the cmake configuration phase to error out. I saw this as well, building `cmake +universal` with Xcode 10.1 on Mojave, and I fixed it by suppressing the warning with this incantation added to the `cmake` Portfile:
    6 {{{
    7 # suppress ld warnings that cmake doesn't like
    8 configure.ldflags-append -Wl,-w
    9 }}}
    10 I haven't tried it on highsierra building +universal, but I would imagine it would work there as well (although once again, I can't see a need for cmake to be +universal as it's a build tool, so it can run natively -- unless someone knows something about a `cmake` library that is used somehow that needs to be universal that I don't know about).
    12 Regarding your other port failures, well, no idea without the build logs. Maybe there are already tickets for some or all of them. Otherwise, each one would need a clean ticket and a build log to have any chance of making any progress with them.